Twas the day before Easter…and all through the ilg casa…

some of the creatures were stirring…
…others were not…

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yet both – Holding a Grudge and Gossiping – are on the podium of the “Do Not Do List” of the yogic/spiritual athlete hit list. Why? More on that in a m(om)ment…for now, let’s explore a bit deeper the attraction of holding a grudge…

ilg begins each Wednesday night HP Yoga® Class with the most ancient Prayer known; it is the Prayer of the Five Dhyana Buddha’s and there is a line in there which is a real stinker for us feeble Seekers along the Higher Way…it goes;

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“Our Mind is never at peace, for her nature is to be constantly active. Forgive her. However, our Breath, praise Be Here Now to the Lord, is always peaceful, observing, never attached…therefore, Oh Noble Yogi, dwell as often as possible within the Breath to balance the machinations of the nature of the mind’s jumping…” – coach steve ilg

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It’s all about how much of the protein is utilized by the body.

At the low end of the spectrum are whey and soy proteins – only 17% of their content is utilized by the body with 83% leaving as waste.
Food like meat, fish and poultry fare a bit better with 32% being absorbed and 68% being wasted.
Eggs are the winners in the food stakes with 48% being utilized with 52% waste.
Now compare those numbers to Master Amino Acid Pattern (MAP) – a massive 99% is put to work by the body, with only 1% leaving as waste. Not only that, but MAP is absorbed by the body within 23 minutes! And there is only 0.4 of a calorie per tablet.

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Warrior III  Virabhadrasana III

“Coach, thank you SO MUCH for believing in me. more than anyone has ever. you motivate me, inspire me to new depths, you are an amazing being. I will hitchhike and hunt Beaver to Bend, Oregon if needed to compete at Snowshoe National Championships for the sake of helping my Navajo Tribe to overcome obesity and diabetes through Wholistic Fitnes®!!” – Sandra “Dawagahti” Lee

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The Native American definition of a Warrior is a person with leadership qualities, who sacrifices themselves for the betterment of others, protecting the people, culture, heritage, and land. Ensures promising future for present and generations to come….

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so, Needham Elementary, where Dewa goes to the Shared Homeschooling Program 2x weekly, had a pretend “Lock Down” today. Joy Kilpatrick and i were all concerned about how the “Lock Down” might traumatize her and all, right? well when M(om)my brings her home and Dewa
runs into my open arms, she screams,

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ich ni

“Your suffering is my suffering
and your happiness is my happiness.”

~ Siddhārtha Gautama

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