of course, being the Warrior-Idiot ilg is…
i HAD to go tele skiing for a few chi hits…and on my final run (ain’t it always the final run?) i jumped at
an over-baked speed a headwall on Pandemonium that ilg has jumped a hundred thousand times since being a punk in blue jeans and a red bandana tied above the knee…landed off-camber and it popped my
spoken like a genuine HP Yogi of the Year (which she is)…honesty, the best policy among Warriors Toward Wholeness…
“But Daaaaady…I NEED to take a picture of the Full Worm Moon, too you know…puh LEASE!!!?!”
i glanced at Amma in the short-handed visual eye communication which new parents use to circumvent the treasured milliseconds which are needed to make critical decisions ranging in everything from allowing our chi-ld to interrupt mealtime to take a picture of a beautiful moonrise to whether or not we should buy a new car (true story)…
tonight, in the Warrior Cave, i premiered my YoZenGa™. the first time i’ve taught this unique class since leaving my Los Angeles Mission…
Thank you for writing the book it is amazing! I am on the cosmic yang cycle and it is kicking my ass! And I was in shape before I got the book. Your yoga is the hardest most practical yoga I have ever done. It makes you strong as well….
why we Warriors do the things we do…it ain’t about podiums, or ribbons, or course records…it’s about the memories etched into our Souls from the Sacred Sweat we spill after we do what it takes to Toe The Start Lines…
Noble Sangha Toward Wholeness,
due to my exposure on Facebook™ i’ve fielded several questions about a certain very predictable, money-oriented Upa-Guru. Though prodded otherwise for my take on Mr. Limbaugh’s latest dry heave of avidya, ilg will invoke the Buddha’s suggested counsel of Noble Silence. don’t fuel this particular Being’s paltry drivel…instead, if you experience Anger Arising at his professional stirring of human emotive pots? do this…
WF has been sooooo far ahead of the rest of the sleeping masses for so long now…it’s not even funny. especially when we see this cascade of chi-less stuff purged by the neophytes looking for the next column square inch… just compare to the WF Techniques published over 3 decades ago and even the least sensitive can sense it: “Shoulda Listened To Coach A Long Time Ago!”