
anybody else need convincing that a steady diet of HP Yoga® will help ANY Warrior in ANY sport?…enjoy this personal-record setting account from one of my most stalwart HP Yogi’s here in Durango:

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Noble Sangha, today, we reVisit one of my most dastardly clever and deeply helpful Nutritional/Wellness Techniques; my “3×30 Assignment”.  If this Assignment is NOT a part of your WF Practice,  it needs to be…first, let’s rehearse what the “3×30 Assignment” is: 30 x 3 Assignment: This is taken from a Theravada Buddhist mindfulness exercise. Each […]

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Student Q&A;  Help! My Life Is Out Of Balance and My Body Is Breaking Down!

Though some of our WF Techniques are often blow off as being ‘too simple,’ ilg assures you that even practicing brushing your teeth in yogi squat, using your Non-Dominant Hand while reciting the WF Lifestyle Principles into the Blessed Mantra, functions extremely well as an Inner Protector to the Outer Worldly demons of hurried pace. The following email is from a non-formal student back East…she recently returned to eating the SUNRIDER Whole Food Herbs after she realized that her body was breaking down due to her high-paced lifestyle….

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Student Q&A:  Allergies and how to overc(om)e them…wholistically!

Allergies are unknown, at least overc(om)e, by stalwart WF Yogis who practice my Early Morning Ritual and follow the WF Nutritional Path

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ilg knows a thing or two about overc(om)ing cramps…most of it? nutritional…some of it? biomechanical. the rest of it? karmic…cramping symbolizes samskaric work from prior lives left undone…read below for more

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WF has been sooooo far ahead of the rest of the sleeping masses for so long now…it’s not even funny. especially when we see this cascade of chi-less stuff purged by the neophytes looking for the next column square inch… just compare to the WF Techniques published over 3 decades ago and even the least sensitive can sense it: “Shoulda Listened To Coach A Long Time Ago!”

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“The lesson I relearned today . . . ”  WF Shishya bRad

“Before I knew I had to run..I had several excuses lined up: “its tax season, I should just work”; “It snowing hard out right now” etc. Then a voice somewhere inside (maybe Tsidool deities?) said “get off your butt and get out there”! So I went! Man am I glad I did!”

WF Devotee, bRad Tafoya
Durango, Colorado

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Most Noble Sangha,
if you lived in Durango and became one of my High Performance Bodywork clients, you’d receive not only world-acclaimed Compressive Tissue Manipulation (via both Table and Floorwork sessions) interwove with Tibetan Healing Energywork, you’d also receive free of charge, my mother-hennish updates and suggested Course of Actions because,

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