
If i could take more than a m(om)ent to ruminate over the past five years, i could probably c(om)e up with some pretty snappy prose about these past 5 years…yet, Parenthood – especially at age 50 and trying to eek out a living as a yoga teacher? Well, rumination is a trait of my former life…not the current Time Trial within which my Practice now must evolve…instead of de-volve or dee-minish entirely!

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i want my daughter to remember me Mountain High, immersed in Noble Effort, the yin/yang dance of Father Sky/Mother Earth, and with me

smiling, Blessed Mala’s thumping my Heart Center, Thumbs Up….no matter how great the pain…no matter how steep the Unknown Path ahead…

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This morning in typical New Daddy mode, i felt deeply underprepared for the hammerfest known as the Saturday Club Ride here in Durango. the route today was Citron de Duex, a favorite 48-mile test piece involving over 5,000′ of climbing. i only brought one water bottle and the only water i had…

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if we can recognize the nature of mind in the bardo in the same way as we can now when it is introduced by the master, there is not the slightest doubt that we will attain enlightenment. This is why, from this very moment on, we must become familiar with the nature of mind through practice…

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“Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child does shall not enter it at all.”

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In horror of death, I took to the mountains—
Again and again I meditated on the uncertainty of the hour of death,

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Today – amazingly enough – marks the one-week out from perhaps my most special of all my three Sacred Sweat Pilgrimages of WF; the Iron Horse Bicycle Classic…at age 50 (which i turn during the 3-Day Race) ilg can BARELY BELIEVE how long, how treasured, how spiritually scintillating my humble, sweat-contingent life has been and thus remains…enjoy, be inspired…cuz, truly, your feeble coach really, really digs deep into every physiologic and psychologic realm to bring forth for you what remains the most unique, effective Path of Self Transformation through personal fitness that has c(om)e to grace Kali Yuga…Blessed Be All…

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Picture 13

photo from back in the day in my former life as a sponsored (there were no professional) climber…my home office: Eldorado Canyon, circa 1982.
this is my Dharma Mentor of free soloing (no rope); Derek Hersey (aka; The Human Fly) followed by Mic Fairchild during a stint we used to call
a ‘double free solo’. route: Hair City on the Bastille in Eldo…5.9+ Below is a letter i wrote to…

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