
ilg admits gleefully; i’m simpleton of sweat and stillness. not only do i enjoy multi-disciplined sweat, i cherish it. i consider it the (w)Holy Water which connects ilg with all that is Go(o)d. the more varied ways i can sweat and be still, the closer to Soul i merge. Blessed be thy Sweat and Stillness…

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Dear Coach,
i have read for years now your beautiful, eloquent Teachings on Bardo Entry…i know first hand of just how empowering your deeply conscious counseling as a Reverend and Recognized Dharma Server can be for the dying…so thank you. However, during the recent Death and Dying of my father with which you helped so pricelessly, I have been thrown into a type of Bardo myself and have questioned so many things about living and dying. I need to ask you this; What are your TAF’s about suicide? Forgive me if you have already offered a Teaching on this…I scanned the Teachings Archives as best as I could to no avail. I do not ever want you to think I am lazy before asking such a pivotal question.

For All You Choose To Be and Do No Matter What,

your student A.B.

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Lessons From The Inside…

There’s not many Fitness Path’s that display the world-class versatility, cost-effectiveness, and focused fun that a WF Training Camp provides. Just ask Raven and PY who are right now are back in Flagstaff, still buzzing from their Pranic Pitstop here in Durango with me. Yesterday, during Day Two of their Training Camp, i categorically changed the Camp from outside to the inside. We met at the Durango Rec Center to enjoy an immersion into WF strength training followed by pumping plastic on the Center’s great indoor climbing wall…here are some of the Teachings…

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Diné crankin' to Higher Than Ever Summits…

WF Devotee, Single Dad, Native Runner Warrior “Leaf” (Tribal Nickname; Diné) enjoys somebouldering at Priest Draw near Flagstaff. He didn’t tell me that later fact, i can just tell… 😉his email to me today below: Yah’ tah’ hey’ from the sacred peak of the west!i received the first arrow of the dreamspeak quiver and greatly […]

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Pumping Limestone…in this Dance? Let the (rad) Girls Lead!

click on pics to enlarge the Chi Hit… i was stoked just to make it to the crux! ilg attempting the first roof of ‘Par Six’ 5.11b. to think that i was used to free solo routes approaching this difficulty stoned my mind; definitely a different lifetime ago within this same one… Let’s see here […]

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Along This Trail…RAM!

a Ram-drunk ilg, yesterday, at Durango’s local climbing crag; X-Rock area photo by Ananda on Saturday, the Gods smiled.They allowed me to win the KOM at the top of Hesperus in the “B” Group club ride,and 48.5 miles and 2,460′ later, finish 6th in the 45 mph+ descent down Wildcat Canyon back to Durango. ilg […]

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The Bantu Journals; A Day In Court

time for another check in with WF-Student Sponsored world-class mountaineer; Andrew “Bantu” Frost as he trains for a May ascent of the Denali Diamond on Mt. McKinley…click on pics to receive a thudding chi hit… “Over the years, I have learned many things about feet. You must have patience with them. You must have faith […]

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World Class Climber and HP Yoga Student ABF; "My battle with my ego…"

In today’s highly interdependent world, individuals and nations can no longer resolve many of their problems by themselves. We need one another. We must therefore develop a sense of universal responsibility . . . It is our collective and individual responsibility to protect and nurture the global family, to support its weaker members, and to […]

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