This M(om)ent;  S(om)ebody Just Graduated From PreSchool!

Congratulations Dewachen Catherine Ilg for performing soooo amazingly well at PreSchool! Having never been to DayCare and with only a handful of babysitting hours in your life, you really stepped up BIG TIME to your first school year (even if it was only 3 half-days per week!)…

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Today – amazingly enough – marks the one-week out from perhaps my most special of all my three Sacred Sweat Pilgrimages of WF; the Iron Horse Bicycle Classic…at age 50 (which i turn during the 3-Day Race) ilg can BARELY BELIEVE how long, how treasured, how spiritually scintillating my humble, sweat-contingent life has been and thus remains…enjoy, be inspired…cuz, truly, your feeble coach really, really digs deep into every physiologic and psychologic realm to bring forth for you what remains the most unique, effective Path of Self Transformation through personal fitness that has c(om)e to grace Kali Yuga…Blessed Be All…

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remember the touch of your Daddy’s strong hand upon you when you were 4? the comfort? the Release into the Realization that you are Unconditionally Loved?!?

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Conscious Parenting…
1) Let Go Of Everything (you want)
2) Drop Into Everything (she wants)
3) Know that you are burning off selfish Karma by losing money, losing sense of (egoic) self, losing your mind, losing every-thing, while gaining that which is most imperative: another Soul’s nurturing by your devoted Presence…no matter what…

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Dewa’s First Day Bowling…and the Dharma rolls a perfect score…

Any being who aspires to Rise Higher…
and stays steadfast, determined, and focused
shall attain the siddhis..the yogic powers which bring individuated inSight
calibrated by the Divine
to keep our Awakening and our Enlightenment potentiation on track…

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Day One of Two: 2nd to an Olympian?  ilg will take dat!

i dunno… at this Blessed Point in my current incarnation? finishing Silver Medalist to Travis Brown, Olympic Mountain Biking and Nordic Champion is just a little waaaaay too much for feeble broken back, former paralytic ilg to even connect the Dots…let alone the fact that my new Daddy Duties and lingering 80% head congestion has completely destroyed any type of optimal prep for the brutally delicious 10k nordic slugfest today at the 9,000′ Durango Nordic venue…chalk it up to…

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huck finn

…i can recall sitting on the banks of Huck Finn, just making face with the most beautiful girl on the plane(t) at the time (i was 14)…the smell of the cattails, the sound of the Sacred Animas, the inflection of geese flapping as ilg was struggling to come to terms with this newfound art of smooching…

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Our Little Rinpoche’s Bloody Teaching…and how we are turning it inside out to help others…

December 22nd: Amma (Joy) chanting the Sacred Mantra to our daughter as the drug begins to put Dewachen into a Bardo Realm…a harrowing experience that no parent ever wants to see…photo by ilg (who was chanting as well)

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