
“Daddy!” Dewa shrieked as i appeared at the threshold of her Kindergarten Classroom, holding my Hall Permit from the staunch Check In personnel at Needham Elementary School, to pick my daughter up early in order to assist the 5-generation Durangoan Zink Family in their Mission to restore 50 acres of Animas River Valley to their vital and historic, wetland condition. We were going to spend our afternoon planting trees in wetlands. As i felt my daughter thump into my outstretched arms in front of her entire class and Teachers, a rush of low self-esteem swept over me…never in my life, let alone at age 5, has ilg ever been capable or willing to display such an outwardly embrace of Love. During our hug, i saw her classmates, each of them smiling at our embrace. “Okay…this mOMent alone is enough,” i felt to myself…yet, it was merely the beginning to another miraculously sacred ‘Daddy & Dewa Day Time’…c’mon…a lot of Dharma to follow!

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Mother Earth Day!   What If Everybody Did It?

…besides, how often do you get to see a bona fide Princess picking up

other people’s trash?


“Yes, my love?”

“How come some people throw trash on our Mother Earth?”

“Well, baby girl?…they just didn’t have Go(o)d Teachers…that’s all…”

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How vital it is to refrain from the temptation to judge ourselves or the teachings, and to be humorously aware of our condition, and to realize that we are, at the moment, as if many people all living in one person.

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tree pose

Quote of the Day goes to Dewachen Catherine Ilg who came hOMe from kindergarten saying, “i realized today in school that what i think in my mind may not be real.”

dharma backstory:

Dewa has confided to Joy and i (though we’ve been Sensing it for months) that she is REALLY not diggin’ public school and that she sees herself as the “runt of the litter,”

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Twas the day before Easter…and all through the ilg casa…

some of the creatures were stirring…
…others were not…

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“Do not walk before me, for i may not follow. Do not walk behind me, for i may not lead. Just walk beside me, and be my Friend.” Native American saying…original author unknown pic by ilg; Dewa and Aaaaahmaji doing what we do in Durango during winter…it’s the wind through the hair, it’s the sound […]

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so, Needham Elementary, where Dewa goes to the Shared Homeschooling Program 2x weekly, had a pretend “Lock Down” today. Joy Kilpatrick and i were all concerned about how the “Lock Down” might traumatize her and all, right? well when M(om)my brings her home and Dewa
runs into my open arms, she screams,

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my personal goal this Yogi Jesus Birthday was to spend every m(om)ent of it within reach of my two girls embrace instead of running out and training, computer work, etc..for an Outdoor Athlete like ilg? still a tall order, yet must say, such d(om)esticated days fuel the Soul in ways unparticular to my gunic nature which is Go(o)d for me…

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