need help with your own Practice of WF?
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autumn is the HIGHEST season for Transformation!
need help with your own Practice of WF?
let me know…
autumn is the HIGHEST season for Transformation!
oh, it’s easy and for many, these Kali Yuga days; insanely profitable, to get a fancy PowerPoint Presentation together, quickly cobbled together by copying unTransmitted spiritual Teachings from the Masters, and turn a nifty profit on everything from Chakra Cleansing to Self-Empowerment…
personally and professionally ilg don’t trust no Path that ain’t seeped in Tradition and Sweat with proven Tools to parlay those two Most Noble Spiritual Ingredients toward Self Transformation…
My master had a student called Apa Pant, a distinguished Indian diplomat and author, who served as Indian ambassador in a number of capital cities around the world. He was also a practitioner of meditation and yoga, and each time he saw my master, he would always ask him “how to meditate.” He was following […]
Noble Sangha, special thanks to my Beloved Partner; Joy Kilpatrick for hooking me up with this 8-minute Meditation…May It Benefit Your Practice…please sit in elegance with conscious breath as you receive this dharma: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCiXdduVHbI
Dewa and Amma ( Joy Kilpatrick ) grinding corn in an ancient Mataté…awes(om)e lower back opener…any wonder that our ‘modern civilization’ which has removed itself so far from functional fitness for everyday tasks and nature suffers from so many dis-eases of body, mind, and spirit? it’s no wonder to me, in fact, it’s embarrassing how soft and weak our species has become due to an ever growing addiction to comfort…
Fit Kit, back in 2010 during a private training intensive with me beneath Doko Oosliid, the western Sacred Peak of the Navajo Nation…little did he know that 4 years later he would be an instrumental part of funding my trail i’m building for the Navajo children of the Beclabito Day School, each of which honors “Doko” several times more meaningful – i suspect – as non-natives do the State of Liberty. Fit Kit already donated $50 at my first Temple Gong, and now? he DOUBLED it…see my c(om)munication with him below…
Please! Let’s DO this thing for the Kids upon whose land we live, dream, and make our own families and conduct our spiritual work!
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