
Although surrounded by stunning natural if not mystical beauty, Beclabito has not ONE mountain biking trail, hiking trail, or even a skateboard park, soccer field, or half an outdoor basketball court or even a running track while here in Durango, less than 2 hours away? We have DEVO and DOZENS of world-class venues for our kids to service ALL of their interests and passions.

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a balance must be struck between hammering hard and softening into the intensity…

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Published on Jun 11, 2014 by in Dewa Dharma, Dharma Teaching, Meditation, Teachings, WF Principles

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Perhaps it’s that pranic sustenance springing forth from spring itself, yet what I do notice is that my natural state of joy (sacred, inherent, ongoing beyond happy feelings) is resonating deeper yet more accessible within the quilt of everyday life. It’s kinda like, i am c(om)ing to terms with the fact that my LifeWork is

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so, tonight, our newly crowned Race Director (non-local) shortened tomorrow’s Iron Horse Bicycle Classic from Silverton to Purgatory Ski Resort…where, supposedly, our heroes like Ned Overend, Todd Wells, Marisa Asplund, et. al… are entitled to enjoy “tons of things to do” at Purgatory/Durango Mountain Resort or whatever they are calling it these Kali Yuga days…well, here’s my take on it…

this is my fervently penned Letter to the Editor of the Durango Herald….it probably won’t get published, so you read it here first…

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A genuine yogi – born between Father (Sky) and Mother (Earth):
does his or her damnedest to turn weakness’s into strengths, ignorance into awakening, life into sadhana, but… it doesn’t work.

Sure, we might carve out a minuscule release in our tight hips and even tighter hamstrings yet still our lower back feels like a lava rock after our next run.

A genuine yogi – whose Grandfather is Sun and whose Grandmother is Moon:
refuses to take on other’s unhappiness, no matter how deep our compassion grows throughout our practice.

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What Is It That Makes You Feel Strong?

What Is It That Makes You Feel Strong?
Sit with it for a while…

In the Tradition of Wholistic Fitness®?

Easy Answer: Working on our weaknesses make us stronger…

ilg is going to tell you s(om)ething…

i think you’re strong because you have weaknesses…as do we all…and knowing that, viscerally, is the jumping off place into Wholistic Fitness®…

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Conscious Parenting; Dandelion Teaching – honoring emotive/feeling dance

Through my family?
Even numbskull ilg is learning the art of skillful appropriation;
when to be fierce
and when to just let be.
Like dandelions dancing within my yard.

Tonight, as i watched…

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The Dalai Lama has said: “There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; my philosophy is kindness.”

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