Karmic Law…

Published on Jun 16, 2013 by in Dharma Teaching, Teachings


Karmic law, as taught to me by my Teachers, is simple, inevitable, and endless: whenever we…

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so, basically, ilg rescued the Snake Being (who soon became, Strikey Snakey Ilg) and put him/her into a box whereupon, arriving home, Dewa promptly lost him as she let Strikey out onto our backyard whereupon ilg rests assured Strikey is now our official Gardner Snake Garden Protector of our garden residing happily beneath our wood pile…

Snake Medicine is the medicine of, as my treasured Native American students will re-mind ilg, Transmutation, and that Snake teaches us to

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click my personal Facebook® page for this Sunday Sermon of Conscious Parenting and Chi-ld Wisdom…

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Most of us might be ‘here’

few of us however, are “Here Now!”

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my dad – who passed away three years ago last week – was a supremely tough German…stubborn as the day is long. if young ilg would so much as begin to utter a complaint or whimper about doing yet another one of his regularly assigned 10,000 chores for me? he’d immediately interrupt my balking tendency to roar (while usually throwing something he had in his one good hand), “Oh for CHRISTS SAKES!!!…FORGET IT…I’LL DO IT MYSELF!!!! Why don’t you just go inside and cut out paper dolls with your mother!?!?”

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Mother Earth Day!   What If Everybody Did It?

…besides, how often do you get to see a bona fide Princess picking up

other people’s trash?


“Yes, my love?”

“How come some people throw trash on our Mother Earth?”

“Well, baby girl?…they just didn’t have Go(o)d Teachers…that’s all…”

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How vital it is to refrain from the temptation to judge ourselves or the teachings, and to be humorously aware of our condition, and to realize that we are, at the moment, as if many people all living in one person.

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Rest in natural great peace
This exhausted mind
Beaten helpless by karma and neurotic thought,

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