This morning?
The magnificent Deities of the WF Path once again Blessed ilg….for ilg was seeking that last, lingering spring ski day where all of my 100+ Ski Days just coalesced into a precious, hummingly sweet surrender of ski into soft, forgiving snow…where all my former bucking-bronco telemarks merged into a monumental line evidenced by 8 x 3,000′ vertical descents matched only by probably 3,000+ deep knee lunges linked by instantaneous fast-twitch neuro-muscular movements and present mind…this morning? It was all Wholistic Fitness®…my breath and movement down the dwindling snowslopes of my beloved local ski hill an anthem to all which made ilg, ilg…thank YOU Deities for GRACING through feeble conduit ilg the majesty, the power, and the Ancient Warrior mystique which is WF! here, then, are a few shots from my Good-Bye morning to Purgatory Ski Area…