Blown Out Knees = Beacon For Higher Practice

Ananda’s knee; after a botched surgery job decades ago after injuring her knee while dancing onstage, her knee is still vulnerable to swelling after outdoor activities, yet has grown consistently stronger and is regenerating in spite of nearly a bone-on-bone situation when i first met her and began her on the Wholistic Fitness™ Healing Path…
Karmically; if we are too quick to look for external ‘fixes’ to our in-Jury’s…we’ll simply keep having to suffer the same lesson, until we ‘get’ the spiritual life lesson of the injury or illness.

Need some assistance in your “Injury Blessing”?

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(all access special!)  2011 Winter Warrior Results, Saturday, February 12

i received SOOOOO much more than the admittedly high effort i put in to produce Durango’s first annual snowshoe race, the Winter Warrior 10k which took place today under the most unbelievably, jaw-dropping, sattvic conditions any new Race Director could have dreamed.

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It’s a heccuva thing…

trading big money for seeing personal DreamSpeaks jump into Reality…dat’s what ilg has done my whole life and tonight, on this night of nights…my Heart is smiling broader than a Broadway marquee…cuz come what may tomorrow morning?

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ilg office

Another day at the “ilg office”…my nordic skis rest in the southwest sun beside my Kahtoola custom-mounted snowshoes today as i do final Course Prep on my Winter Warrior 10k Snowshoe Race tomorrow! i LOVE turning Dreams into Reality! photo by ilg’s cell phone.

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All Steamed Up…

Published on Feb 11, 2011 by in Headstand Humor, Teachings

cartoon sauna guy

the same thought goes through my head, “I wonder if this place is extremely clean or a cesspool of bacteria.” I didn’t pay close enough attention in rudimentary science class to know whether a room that hot and damp would kill bacteria or be the perfect incubator for it. Regardless, I figured it out today when the guy sitting in there blew his nose several times and wiped it on the seat. He was also trying to read a newspaper that….

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through the books, she has looked…(she has a Ph.D in Statistical Analysis or something like that)

to the Himalaya, she has sought.

within the fabric of her life, many Dragons she has fought.

she does not condemn, she does not judge.

she became my student of yoga in August of 2008 in Kinlani.

she got on MAP Aminos in March, of 2009.

one year later, she became my online shishya.

in October of ‘010, she took WF Pilgrimage to seek me out in Durango (see photo above).

Yesterday she wrote me: “did spin followed by a 2 mile treadmill run, then a set of nordic crunches/suspended leg lifts, followed by Medium form. then i went over to the pull up bar and did one PULL UP, palms out, from a dead hang. for real!”

i never allowed her near a Gravitron. i Instructed her to meet her Pull Up Dragon nakedly….with no gloves on…

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ilg admits gleefully; i’m simpleton of sweat and stillness. not only do i enjoy multi-disciplined sweat, i cherish it. i consider it the (w)Holy Water which connects ilg with all that is Go(o)d. the more varied ways i can sweat and be still, the closer to Soul i merge. Blessed be thy Sweat and Stillness…

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My wife suffers from exercise induced asthma, any WF pointers for treatment without steriodal inhalers?


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