LEG OF ILG; the benefits of naked feet practice

“In walking gracefully and gratefully upon sharp stones,two things might help;do not resist the sharpness,andcarry well the mantra.”– coach ilg note:in the Wholistic Fitness Personal Training System, it is traditionally important to return some sort of toughness to the naked foot. The prevailing addiction to shoes is a (weakened) root cause of most dis-eases affecting […]

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Yogi Squat Concentration Curls; A Mind/Body Explosion of Concentrated, Deep Fiber Yoga

the first thing ilg feels the need for after a hard Cardio workout (which is predominately a ‘yin’ endeavor) is the deep fiber masculinity of Strength Training (which is predominately a ‘yang’ endeavor). This devotion to yin/yang balance (aka; Shakti/Shiva in yoga) is known as Wholistic Fitness. To cultivate too much of either yin or […]

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"They Don’t Make Personal Trainers Like Coach Anymore!"

a mountain cabin, elegant in its dilapidated simplicity, on Kendrick Peak – the subject of yesterdays DL which inspired several DL fans to write to me such as George below. thank you all for choosing to be Here Now. photo by ilg. Dear Coach,in yesterday’s jaw-dropping DL you wrote;“They don’t make extinct volcano’s like this […]

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Come, Climb Kendrick Peak (or your own Inner Mountain) With Coach!

Though this DL was inspired by my 10-mile Mountain Peak Run this morning… …i Dedicate this DL to my Beloved Ananda. only imagination can serve me for what endurance is required to keep fit for a 9-month pregnancy leading into the most Divine Workout that any human can experience. Mountains come in all kinds. All […]

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PART TWO: The Vibrational Upgrade of the WF Warrior Tribe and ilg’s exit

In Part One of this Teaching, many bases were touched upon; particularly within the importance of the Meditation Discipline of the Wholistic Fitness Path… Today’s installment is even more tenuous. for when the Shifts happen from within, and when the Meditative absorption welds within the gunic fabric and Protectors, Guides, and Inner Gurus leap to […]

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dear coach ilg, great week of DL’s, thank you! i think and feel that i saw myself in today’s, as one who dilutes WF to fit my egoic comfort zone. initially this made me feel sad and later it made me feel grateful to you for showing me that i need to go deeper inside, […]

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Flag’s Lightspeed Buddha Graces Us With A World Championship!

getting to Part II in a moment, however,ilg must bow as deep as possible to an amazingly beautiful Warrior ofour Species who Gifted the world last night with such Sweat Poetry, i know that my own feeble running – and life – efforts will all-Ways be positivelyaffected: Flagstaff’s Bernard Lagat won the 1,500 – the […]

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TEMPLE GONG: Divine Upgrade Completed…The Itch Inside…Handling Miracles…ilg’s retirement plans..and a prayer for the WF Sangha

If you have recently found an inexplicable – often subtle – Lightness of Being, you got the recent Shift from our Lineage Deities… Most Noble Sangha,come Close.upon last night’s August Moon, a powerful astral Shift was completed upon our Tribe. even if you are one to doubt Deities, still listen. writing carefully here as All […]

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