by less than half a wheel…

you know ilg does not seek the Print…the Media…yet if any of the current crop of CrossFit, Yoga, Meditation, Nutrtion stars and starlets would even consider spending a week training and practicing with unacknowledged Grandfather of American Wholistic Fitness® training?
trust me,
ilg would drop them all within 3 days of WF intensity…
today was special…

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after 3+ decades of yoga-asana, including a broken back from winter mountaineering and high-volume/intensity cardio, ilg is closing in on Baddha Padmasana (Bound Full Lotus)… give me another 3 years…i’ll make it…ilg is nothing if not a steadfast, if feeble, Practitioner.

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the yogi has no place,

no space…

just a Dance

Gifted from the Divine…

whether others understand this Sacred Dance?

does not matter…

what matters?

the Dancing…

through It All (Lila)…

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Magic Mushro(om)s, baby!

Published on Oct 30, 2012 by in Nutrition, Teachings


how long has it been since you sunk your precious teeth into a Portabella Burger and TAF to yourself, “Wow…this is REALLY, REALLY awesome!”? or, when you have a salad or miso soup adorned by those daintily shaped mushrooms which impart such an exquisite texture, taste, and chi? Well, did you know that mushrooms enhance immune function and protect against cancer?

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“Yes, Sweetheart?”

“Sometimes, when we are fishing…i feel so peaceful…like…yoga.”

“That’s an awesome sharing, Dewa! thank you! yeah, i reckon fishin’ is just another form of yoga…if it’s yogis that are fishin!”

“Hey, WE are yogis!”

“That’s right, daughter, we ARE yogis!”


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WF History; ilg hits the NY Times

Published on Oct 27, 2012 by in WF History


during a pranic and endorphin induced post-ride high, i posted this pic on my personal Facebook page today after my 69-mile club training ride in which i finished first…little did ilg realize that one of my most stalwart, observant devotees from LA would c(om)ment not only on my Ned Threads (clothing) but also dig up the history of the NY Times article pictured in the background! for Archival Sake and for the sake of my newer students, i’ve chosen to reprint it below…enjoy, and THANKS HSBG!!

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this M(om)ent…

Published on Oct 24, 2012 by in Teachings, This M(om)ent

this M(om)ent…

chop wood, carry chi! backyard scene before riding Nalanda (my cross bike pictured above) to teach another AWESOME, AMAZING HP PROP WORKOUT! what’s NOT to love about October in the Durango Bubble?

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“…’s not that coffee is inherently bad for us. As alluded earlier, for some body compositions, it’s quite helpful as a metabolic spark plug. For others, it wires an already hard-wired constitution which creates wholistic fatigue over the long run…”

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