celebrating freedom;  4,600′ of high altitude sweat salutes; Kennebec Pass mountain bike ride

Ride Stats:

date: this morning, July 3rd, 2011 with my chi-ldhood best friend; Greg.

type of purification: mountain biking

effort: 36 miles, 4,600′ of climbing, all on double & singletrack from elevation ranging from 8,000′ to 11,750′ with a technical grading of 4+ bike skills and significant will power

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Dewachen Dharma… Sacred San Juan summer fever strikes…

s(om)etimes a simple look from Dewachen stares into me from a Realm so greatly distant from my ordinary reality that my flesh eyes and brain cannot even conceive of the scale. It seems so vast…beyond my capacity to measure, let alone write about it. all ilg knows is that when i hold Her gaze, my own sordid and sorry mindstate instantly purifies, makes me want to Rise Higher, seemingly stripped of its innumerable faults….

please enjoy some Dewa Dharma as we visit Haviland Lake for an evening…the above pic was taken by Ananda…

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On Any Given Durango Summer Friday…

Mine were eyes, heart, and spirit too feeble to keep track of the astral magnetism of this river/mountain hamlet of priceless high-altitude prana today. For, within these ‘everyday moments’ which i forced myself out of the Awakened M(om)ent to attempt to capture periodically for you, was a mystical Breath inside a breath, as if each moment lived was a fractured cosmic code embedded upon soul wings on the verge of cracking due to abundance of a magnitude unspeakable…

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Happy, Whole-ly Father’s Day!

Conscious Fatherhood; regardless of the in-wordable effort, sacrifice, and exhaustion can be a most fertile garden in which a human can cultivate compassion, fearlessness, and Divine Motivational Energy. Conscious Daddies Everywhere: If we keep our heart open – even during those frustrating times when we just want to start throwing furniture out the windows – the pain, worry, and effort might just turn out to be our greatest next handholds and footholds toward Enlightenment. It takes, however, a LOT of everyday Sacred Sweat, Focus, and Surrender. Mostly surrender.

– coach ilg, father of Dewachen

here is how i spent my day-before-Father’s Day…i have no idea what the girls have planned for me today…enjoy and Blessed be ALL CONSCIOUS PARENTS EVERYWHERE IN ALL REALMS….

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strawberry moon – july

The Full Strawberry Moon as She rises ever so gracefully like Brahman’s chariot racing upon lotus wheels and crystal pools of stars…

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“dis is the Durango i remember!…”

Remember, Oh Beloved Ones…be you a Conscious Parent, Practitioner, or Paltry One Just Seeking Like Me…

ilg tells you this much as you enjoy the following pics taken by myself this morning:

“Environment is stronger than will.”

Remember that…and enjoy the thrill of Spring set strong from the San Juan High Country…please consider a visit to the WF Temple H(om)e in Durango soon…

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imogene 2009

Registration opens for the second of the three WF Sacred Sweat Pilgrimages; the Imogene Pass Race…if you missed this weekend’s first WF Sacred Sweat Pilgrimage (the Iron Horse Bicycle Classic) don’t miss the hole shot on this one, cuz if you wait until next year, you’ll just be one year older…

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And Milarepa said: “Do not entertain hopes for realization, but practice all your life.”

i pedaled my bike thirty miles over two mountain passes at an average speed of 16 mph solo in high winds in order to try to make it to the girl’s “farm date.” on the west side of Mancos Hill my speedometer spat out the high speed stat of 78kph down choppy pavement and buffeted by significant crosswinds. on 26×22 wheels? lemme reMind you; speed, my friend, is relative…

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