
Published on Dec 27, 2012 by in Spotted, Teachings


Dewa, cheeks rosy aglow from a winter duathlon with Daddy (ice skating into sledding) caught watching one too many HORSELAND episodes on the iPad. beside her is UniCornia…

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however, tonight, Dawa wrote me directly after class:

“om my gosh… i, Dawaghati (Sandra Lee) really did not expect this evening to be blessed a thousand times……

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That’s right, BodyHealth®, makers of my precious, cherished… MAP AMINO ACIDS, are offering a 25% discount through the end of December! They are doing this to inspire you to visit their NEW WEBSITE and try their other great products.

I only have direct experience with three of their products and i stand behind each:

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my personal goal this Yogi Jesus Birthday was to spend every m(om)ent of it within reach of my two girls embrace instead of running out and training, computer work, etc..for an Outdoor Athlete like ilg? still a tall order, yet must say, such d(om)esticated days fuel the Soul in ways unparticular to my gunic nature which is Go(o)d for me…

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a few m(om)ents from today as Gratitude to all of YOU, my students upon whose spirit this astral Temple still pivots, who shimmer the Divine Light within my cells like so many snowflakes dancing into my Soul each day….
THANK YOU for choosing to Be Here Now!


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allWays a distinct honor to give an overnight bunk to one of our Tribe’s most devoted students! Warrior Leaf executed the option to share a
half-day training camp with me before resuming his eastward travels…

here are a few shots..enjoy and be sure to schedule YOUR unique WF Half-Day Winter Sport Training Camp!

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How Blessed C(om)e the inner rewards to the families who do what it takes to get out and do?

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this was in my inbox after a loooong day of early morning solo meditation/pranayama/yoga-asana into 90-minute SPIN/CORE class taught by pro triathlete and friend, Marisa Asplund, into a ski waxing clinic/classic ski/skate ski workout with Kinlani brother; Warrior Leaf into ice-skating with my girls..phewww…can ilg tell you – and especially to DawaGhati – how much this Animal Medicine pic helped me tonight, running on fumes, to Eagle UP to the evening’s work?!? enjoy…

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