
Someone asked the Dalai Lama what surprised him most. This was his answer: “Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that…

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dry fishin

Planning for the future is like going fishing in a dry gulch;
Nothing ever works out as you wanted, so give up all your schemes and ambitions.
If you have got to think about something—
Make it the uncertainty of…

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maha mudra

Hi Steve! I am a huge fan of yours. I do your yoga dvd’s, and I find it is helping me out tremendously. My Doctor has advised me not to run that much because of my knees and heavy weight. What could I do to drop the pounds with good cardio, without having a club membership, bike or a pool around? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
With much honour and respect,

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Not Just Another Pole-ish Joke;  Pole Running Season Begins!

Jai Jai Ma, Jai Jai Ma! Hey Ma Durga!

As Donna DeLory sings, “I want to feel what You Feel/i want to see what is real Beyond this Illusion!” …and, one of the most effective ways i’ve found to discover just That, is crushin’ a hard uphill run with ski poles…like my morning workout today…come join me, i’ll show you exactly WHY you need to reap the MYRIAD benefits of this type of cardio/strength workout!

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Noble Sangha,

this Gong is being rung for my devoted student; Roberto Crespo of Pasadena, CA…

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How much about Wholistic Parenting not only mirrors, yet amplifies our own spiritual journey?…It’s like swinging with your Lil Rinpoche…Alert your alertness, yet… at the same time be relaxed. So relaxed that not even a notion of relaxation remains. Pic: Relaxed Alertness is like holding onto the swing without realizing you are holding onto the swing; you’re just dropping into the swinging!

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Tribal Kiva Talk Recording: “WF Nutrition”

In our fifth 2011 Kiva Talk for WF Members, we got a taste (!) of the fifth (and most “un-coachable”) Noble Fitness Discipline of Wholistic Fitness: Nutrition!

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Nothing Says Summer Like…

…Nothing says August in a small mountain town (still/almost) than a sizzling sun beaming down upon a Daddy and his Daughter on a Ferris Wheel…”Look Daddy, that’s Chapman Ski Hill!”

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