Steve Ilg is in Durango, Colorado. 12 mins · Instagram · 😳 feeble ilg has A LOT of quick studying to do before my volunteer job at the Emergency Call Center (970-385-8700) to help out the c(om)munity efforts as the #416fire continues her Dharma Teachings! PLEASE sign up for our CODE RED EMERGENCY ALERT NOTIFICATION […]
WF® KIDS CAMP DAY 2 of 4! reckon? feeble ilg might just give up teaching grown ups after this Camp… KIDS!??! Way easier to relate to, coach to, and love to than Grown Ups! lesson LEARNED!
Shout out to feeble ilg’s mighty and noble Durango City Employee Yoga Class graduating yogis fr(om) our 5th 8-Week Training Block in our pioneering City Employee Yoga Program thanks to #durangoparksandrec swear to Lord Buddha? EVERY City should have a HP Yoga Class available weekly for those who Serve their treasured Cities! One cannot […]
Wholistic Fitness™ Kids Camp begins this Monday with Coach Steve Ilg and Joy Kilpatrick! Register through the Durango Recreational Center… Scholarships are available… please share with those who may be interested… thank you!
pic of Dewa being silly on the left by Sandra Lee, pic of Dewa being barely seen second Student fr(om) right student line by ilg..during this morning’s final Student Assembly at St.Columba Gotta say? My lil’ Lady is all full of surprises; today’s Assembly at #stcolumbadurango saw Dewa walk off with an Honor Roll (3rd […]
Shirtless and Snowing in #silverton #runsteepgethigh#bodyhealthoptimized_athlete #tailwindnutrition #ilgswholisticfitness#sacredsweat #outsideyogis outside the historic mining town of Silverton, CO – our Durango neighbor to the north – your feeble teacher of nuthin’ ferreted out a County Road that cranks up 2,880’ in 3.3-miles to 11,280’! STEEPEST COUNTY ROAD IN THE NATION? THE WORLD? all ilg knows is that […]