“Every soul innately yearns for stillness, for a space, a garden where we can till, sow, reap, and rest, and by doing so come to a deeper sense of self and our place in the universe. Silence is not an absence but a presence. Not an emptiness but repletion. A filling up.” Anne Leclaire *** […]
often people ask me, “Oh my GOD you have SUCH a BEUAUTIFUL DAUGHTER!!!”
to which ilg must reply do to my Dharmic Devotions; “Dewa only came THROUGH us, she is not ‘ours’…she is -like the rest of us – a child of God.”
that tends to shut them up…
if I’m looking to do something to continue to put whole foods that keep my body functioning within normal levels across the board…what do I do?
There are no shortcuts around the realization that we are all children of Father Sky and Mother Earth. When rain falls, it falls on everyone without condition or opinion.
“Most Loved and Honorable Steve Ilg,
did you know that i got “sober” while we were doing online training?
it is true.
that ain’t no morsel baby.
This is your next coach steve ilg approved Dharma movie! Enjoy and allow your sadhana to become re-recentered and re-ignited after watching this incredible documentary. A genuine must-see from the one and only Werner Herzog. A genuine spiritual warrior flick.
This M(om)ent… Dewachen; “Daddy,can you PUHLEEEEZE bring home this Leech for me as a pet?” Daddy; “Seriously?” insert the all-too-predictable moments whereupon the precious Daughter convinces Daddy to bring home a Leech as her pet from a high alpine lake, get it into water from the Animas and put it into the unused fish bowl […]