On Any Given Sunday…Railin’ High Country Rides with World Class Downhillers…

How about a 5,000′ vertical world-class descent with a 3x World Downhill Champion and two other World-Class descent specialists?

come and watch your feeble near-fifty year-young el coache in a Noble Effort on a Downhiller’s version of a yoga mat…

the magic singletrack of Dutch Creek in all her autumnal splendor…you ain’t gonna find this in any Durango MTB Guidebook…

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Picking Apples among the Sacred Topography of September…

as i lay prostrate upon Mother Earth in an attempt to photograph the stupa-like, bare-heiny’d figure of Dewa beneath the generous-in-death dying of an apple tree, even feeble ilg began to realize that this Fatherhood Journey of mine connects me ike an eon-old phurba to all my kind Teachers, Deities, and Guides of my past as well as to the Ancient yogis, saints, and compassionate actions-no-matter-what of practitioners. though my ego would have preferred the path of hermit than to the endless ricocheting of schedules and time/energy demands inherent to being the householder yogi ilg now finds himself in…all i can say is that i sense beyond the shadow of a Buddha, that these daze/days are in fact, sacred topography upon the map of my ever-evolving Soul..and that all my outer Pilgrimages give birth again and again to an inner pilgrimage far more sacred, far more subtle, far more exquisite than my feeble incarnation can even imagine to place before thee in word or form or action of any kind…

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Race Report:  2011 Imogene Pass – A Perfect Storm of Wholeness

…to race as hard as you are able across this sparse, high terrain makes you stumble and each step seems to take twice as long as the one before it…and three times as long as all the steps you’ve taken in training to Be Here Now..yet, here you are now…and the drizzle of barometrically-challenged oxygen that you are able to eat disappears as fast as sage smoke in a sweat lodge…there is not – i promise thee – an unaching bone in your body nor does there remain an enthusiastic fiber for more punishment left in the deepest chambers of your will and you feel the little campfire of tapas within you dwindling as fast as evening sunlight in September…

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This M(om)ent…Labor(less) Day, Conscious Parenting, WF Challenge Test, & Cub Scout Stir Fry

The exhaustion and sacrifice – personally and financially – inherent to Consciously Parenting a chi-ld is astoundingly lopsided on the fatigue and i’m-going-to-start-throwing-furniture-through-the-window exasperation yet even more astoundingly, confound-ably, and Divinely balanced by mere m(om)ents when even the sun and stars fade into a whirling stillness of inner brightening as your chi-ld becomes that Great Mirror of All Teachers, All Gurus, All Lama’s, All Rinpoche’s, all Traditions, all-trees, mists, mountains, flowers, fish, stones, and streams. Within their stream-entry of egoic-free laughters, the cosmos chuckle and such beauty as God is known in thy very cells causing my heart to re-ignite my own stumbling toward Enlightenment…

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today’s yogis speak and teach of Mula Bandha,

they speak and teach of “universal alignment”…

they speak and teach so often of lofty, esoteric, ancient principles and techniques of the Ancient Enlightened Ones..yet,

year after year…it seems to feeble ilg…that few yogis do what it takes to simulate a…

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How much about Wholistic Parenting not only mirrors, yet amplifies our own spiritual journey?…It’s like swinging with your Lil Rinpoche…Alert your alertness, yet… at the same time be relaxed. So relaxed that not even a notion of relaxation remains. Pic: Relaxed Alertness is like holding onto the swing without realizing you are holding onto the swing; you’re just dropping into the swinging!

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Guest Teaching; from Warrior Leaf and his warrior son; Tavian

if these do NOT inspire thee to train as hard as possible, as soft as what’s probable, and as grateful as ilg is for thee?

then you might wish to seek another Tribe…cuz, this is as Go(o)d as it gets in this one!

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San Juan VIP ‘late’ Summer Room…+ Hidden Training Discount!

hey there, Noble Sangha!

after yesterday’s fantastic 4th place AG at the bru-tee-full Kennebec 14-mile, 12,000’+ Challenge which was the pranic climax of my spiritually orgasmic 3-Day Wholistic Fitness™ build cycle (see this week’s Teachings), it was time to make it less about me today and ALL ABOUT my girls…so…i did whatever any WF Master Student would do…

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