what an ilg “easy day” at age 50 looks like…

…cuz in Wholistic Fitness®? each day is but a dharmic dance among the disciplines and principles of WF, baby! How Blessed Are We Who Have Found and Walk This Precious Path of Wholeness?!

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a friend of mine posted this on my FB page…

of course, ilg had to facilitate the dharma and training of it…

what many don’t ever experience is that if you know how to feed your cellular body wisely, innocently, the intuitive, biologic urge toward flesh foods goes waaaaaay down…all you gotta do is get on the WF Nutritional Core-Triad for a few months…and find out for yourself!

not on the WF Nutritional Core Triad, yet? the next 6 months is the ideal time to immerse your cellular body into the Proven Path! email me today!

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Rest Easy all Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon Teams and Pairs…cuz, this Feb. 16th on the 30th running of one of my 3 WF Sacred Sweat Pilgrimages? ilg is returning for the first time since 2009 as a Soloist…of course, ilg is planning to get as many of YOU to toe that Soloist Start Line with me, like Padma and bRad did last year, and how Fit Kit took Sacred Pilgrimage from Canada to do it in 2010…and how Yogi BB of Colorado’s Front Range is going to this year…i’m gonna take ALL WF.com Members along for not only my Pilgrimage but use my training of Yogi BB as well…this should be some world-class focused fun and lifetime pranic shifting! pic: ilg…in bivoauc, waiting patiently for my Pair teammate to win yet another of my several championships upon the Sacred Slopes of Tsidool…….here is my first Instruction to Yogi BB as we begin our Preparation…

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TBT…ever another cairn along the Steep and Direct Path of Transformation…the Outer World is sooooo confused! Reflective of its Wholistic Path, the Price of my most recent book ranges from $3.98 to… $147.37!!! gotta love the Shiva Humor of It All…

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Robbed by Bandits, Dad GUM It!!!

…DAD GUM ITS!!!!!!!! BANDITS!!!! they’re robbin’ our train, girls, hold me close…i’ll stop the bullets from ye….

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Toeing and Sweating the Tsidool’ Start Line…

how about YOU?!?! have you faithfully c(om)pleted the solo division of the Mt.Taylor Winter Quadrathlon? if not, do so THIS YEAR, and join me as on Feb. 16th, 2013…ilg returns to solo this Traditional Pilgrimage of WF! i haven’t soloed it since 2009 and i’ll need to see YOUR face on the soloist Start Line! review the Archives…see how so many WF Students like YOU have done what it takes to become Transformed by the WF Deities which hover over this Pilgrimage!

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This M(om)ent……Autumnal Nirvana in the Bubble…

…nothing says “Autumn at 6,412′ than this all-local meal!

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First if all, THANK YOU for another challenging, unique and Chiful
class. Not one class is ever the same and that keeps all of your
students in their prime. It takes a dedicated teacher to ensue that.
Last night was off the charts…

– ShishyaGamhé

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