
“fantastic wholistic Mt. Taylor pre-season training today! early am personal practice into inline skate to teach yoga, into an hour of indoor climbing with my Beloved Joy Kilpatrick, into an hour of inline skating at 14 mph/average along the bike path, passing bicyclists! tired and sacredly stoked…”

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…when Joy was teaching yoga to Dewa’s kindergarten class, she asked, “Why is Hearing so important?”

to which one very Bodhisattivic boy replied without hesistation:

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spinning outside in (5)

with power, focus, and love (7)

beauty all around (5)

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…and, then, upon arriving at the summit?

ilg had Blissfully renounced all such Outer Worldly thoughts, ambitions, and aspirations

and relaxed like a Bear into hibernation

into the Spiritual Realm that outsiders know only as…

Durango, Colorado.

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Durango Connect serves as a (meta)physical workout….

so, this morning, Durango’s entire scholastic and business systems were put on Pause as my friend, Jake Turner’s vision of a 7-mile long Human Chain running the length of the precious Animas River Trail attempted to manifest…i laced on my inline skates, picked up a cowbell and a camera and met my girls along with 8,000 other Durangatangs who gathered along the sinewy riparian paradise known as the Animas River Trail to honor all of the Trail’s amazing volunteers who helped make it happen…

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“i will take care of myself, i will take care of you, we are One!”

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“Greetings Two-wheeled, Two-skied Master! We thank you again for introducing Asea Sacred Water to us (and highlighting the quality of Sunrider Herbs).  Leanne is on race 2 of 2 tomorrow, two back to back half-marathons.  She took 1st in her 35-39AG last week and hopes to do well in the next race tomorrow. She KNOWS […]

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This M(om)ent…Walking In San Juan Beauty…

“…I pledge allegiance to the soil

of Turtle Island

one ecosystem

in diversity

under the sun –

With joyful interpenetration for all.”

– Gary Synder

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