If i could take more than a m(om)ent to ruminate over the past five years, i could probably c(om)e up with some pretty snappy prose about these past 5 years…yet, Parenthood – especially at age 50 and trying to eek out a living as a yoga teacher? Well, rumination is a trait of my former life…not the current Time Trial within which my Practice now must evolve…instead of de-volve or dee-minish entirely!
Unless you witnessed my Beloved through her pregnancy 5 years ago, one might easily pass off my Teachings as something “too athletic” or someother non-sense…just look at how Joy used her unswerving WF Devotion and not overcame medically ascribed “infertility” to conceive during my “Brahmacharaya” (celibacy practice), yet also transformed into Ganesha (the Elephant Goddess of Nurturing and Protection) in order to provide such an immense inner oceanic love station for Dewachen’s w(om)b time…
5 years in the flash of thunder…wow…
Why exactly are we so frightened of death that we avoid looking at it altogether? Somewhere, deep down, we know we cannot avoid facing death forever. We know, in Milarepa’s words: “This thing called ‘corpse’ we dread so much is living with us here and now.”
ilg doesn’t know if this will help you or any other Parent out there, yet, i’m gonna offer you the same words i offered Joy tonight as she was in tears about Dewa’s tantrums…i wanna go on record however, even with over 3 decades of deep, wholistic coaching of hundreds of families…when it c(om)es to raising Chi-ldren? it’s like fishing in a dry gulch; it’s best to give up all your grand plans and expectations, and just Practice being present and grateful for the ride…
“The next breath, or the next life…we never know which may come first,” as my Tibetan Spiritual Teachers drilled into me…ilg shall never forget this m(om)ent when i first looked at my daughter’s blood-splattered snowsuit on the ONLY TIME i did not supervise her winter sledding and she ended up in the ER…below, Daddy Warrior KB relates a similarly Divine M(om)ent of our Spiritual Testing of Attachment/Aversion and how his reliance upon WF helped him…
Precious Giving Teacher Of All Things,
I have noticed that after yoga class sometimes you merge into what sounds like a cascade of chants or mantras or prayers or something…can you tell me more?
For all the decades of your Giving, Loving, and Devotion to dweebs like me trying to move Higher…
your endless student RM