
I suppose it’s the sanest part of me that naturally gravitates toward these serrated skylines of granite, sandstone and sun-splintered early morning rapids and ripples. Perhaps the most redeeming quality that can be associated with this incarnation known as ‘ilg’ is that which has been undeniably attuned with Sacred Appreciation to the whirring symphony of hummingbirds, aspens quaking, and splashes of trout surfacing through snowmelt waters…

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FaceBook has categorically changed the way we reConnect with our spiritual brothers and sister within our Karmic Loop…used to be we had to wait years, lifetimes, and Bardo’s to reVisit with our Soul Travelers…Facebook apparently shortcuts the Process and allows people like LeAnn and myself – both from the Warrior Caste – to reDiscover each other across miles and etheral planes!

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We cannot hope to die peacefully if our minds have mostly been agitated by emotions like anger, attachment, or fear…

This morning?

The magnificent Deities of the WF Path once again Blessed ilg….for ilg was seeking that last, lingering spring ski day where all of my 100+ Ski Days just coalesced into a precious, hummingly sweet surrender of ski into soft, forgiving snow…where all my former bucking-bronco telemarks merged into a monumental line evidenced by 8 x 3,000′ vertical descents matched only by probably 3,000+ deep knee lunges linked by instantaneous fast-twitch neuro-muscular movements and present mind…this morning? It was all Wholistic Fitness®…my breath and movement down the dwindling snowslopes of my beloved local ski hill an anthem to all which made ilg, ilg…thank YOU Deities for GRACING through feeble conduit ilg the majesty, the power, and the Ancient Warrior mystique which is WF! here, then, are a few shots from my Good-Bye morning to Purgatory Ski Area…

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“But Daaaaady…I NEED to take a picture of the Full Worm Moon, too you know…puh LEASE!!!?!”

i glanced at Amma in the short-handed visual eye communication which new parents use to circumvent the treasured milliseconds which are needed to make critical decisions ranging in everything from allowing our chi-ld to interrupt mealtime to take a picture of a beautiful moonrise to whether or not we should buy a new car (true story)…

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Picking Apples among the Sacred Topography of September…

as i lay prostrate upon Mother Earth in an attempt to photograph the stupa-like, bare-heiny’d figure of Dewa beneath the generous-in-death dying of an apple tree, even feeble ilg began to realize that this Fatherhood Journey of mine connects me ike an eon-old phurba to all my kind Teachers, Deities, and Guides of my past as well as to the Ancient yogis, saints, and compassionate actions-no-matter-what of practitioners. though my ego would have preferred the path of hermit than to the endless ricocheting of schedules and time/energy demands inherent to being the householder yogi ilg now finds himself in…all i can say is that i sense beyond the shadow of a Buddha, that these daze/days are in fact, sacred topography upon the map of my ever-evolving Soul..and that all my outer Pilgrimages give birth again and again to an inner pilgrimage far more sacred, far more subtle, far more exquisite than my feeble incarnation can even imagine to place before thee in word or form or action of any kind…

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dewa reaching

tonight before i left to teach yoga, i kissed Dewa saying, “Maybe i can be back home in time tonight to kiss you good-night?”

“well Daddy,” she replied, “why don’t you just kiss me again right…

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On Any Given Durango Summer Friday…

Mine were eyes, heart, and spirit too feeble to keep track of the astral magnetism of this river/mountain hamlet of priceless high-altitude prana today. For, within these ‘everyday moments’ which i forced myself out of the Awakened M(om)ent to attempt to capture periodically for you, was a mystical Breath inside a breath, as if each moment lived was a fractured cosmic code embedded upon soul wings on the verge of cracking due to abundance of a magnitude unspeakable…

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Teaching Chi to Chi-ldren?  i’ll take that risk…

regardless of how STEEP, of how DIRECT is this Path of Transformation? we MUST continue placing one foot in front of the other…ever upward, ever inward, ever Go(o)dward…if feeble ilg is still doing it…i KNOW you can…let’s Begin Again tomorrow…and if we fall? Begin Again, and Again…and Endlessly Again until Enlightenment…

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