
my personal goal this Yogi Jesus Birthday was to spend every m(om)ent of it within reach of my two girls embrace instead of running out and training, computer work, etc..for an Outdoor Athlete like ilg? still a tall order, yet must say, such d(om)esticated days fuel the Soul in ways unparticular to my gunic nature which is Go(o)d for me…

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(all access)    This M(om)ent…

at the Starting Gate…it’s Dewachen and NoName Pony vs. Ananda and Black Thunder…disregard the disinterested Cat Beings behind them…

on your Mark,
Get Set…

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“Beloved Coach,

i was Full of Fire tonight for my L(ate)MR practice (as opposed to EMR!) followed by the Basic HP Prop workout. Mostly because of a lovely girl i’ve met, and all that experience is triggering…whoa…HEAVY STUFF, MAN!!! i am so fear-full of falling in love again and flowing with all that seems to entail…all of the change…all of the vulnerability…”


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Durango Connect serves as a (meta)physical workout….

so, this morning, Durango’s entire scholastic and business systems were put on Pause as my friend, Jake Turner’s vision of a 7-mile long Human Chain running the length of the precious Animas River Trail attempted to manifest…i laced on my inline skates, picked up a cowbell and a camera and met my girls along with 8,000 other Durangatangs who gathered along the sinewy riparian paradise known as the Animas River Trail to honor all of the Trail’s amazing volunteers who helped make it happen…

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Everything Blue, On This Blue Moon…and for the sake of my own M(om);  why hospital workers REALLY need WF!

feeble ilg prays this Teaching enters your cells with your Breath and Posture conscious… on the 3-hour drive down to my ailing M(om)’s casa in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, ilg experienced a 3-hour long Mula Bandha, Ujjayi, and Mantra workshop (self created) that catapulted me into a very high state of Vibration in order to be as Clear and Strong for my just-out-of-hernia-surgery 82 year-young M(om)….i arrived in the Land of Enchantment, absolutely, totally Enchanted…ilg has all-Ways dug It (Lila) down here and even under the pensive circumstance, my inner self beamed with Sacred Happiness….Practice paying off, once again…

buckle up, the next two pics might be tough on the queasy:

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“Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child does shall not enter it at all.”

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Our Clan’s Dharma 4th…and your Inter-depend-Dance Day?

“ Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built.” ~ Rumi

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Sleeping With The Enemy…finding my inner “Fun Valley”

Despite the fact that the entire place is run like some sort of aging Texan mafia, and that nearly every staff member is a walking heart attack just waiting to happen, they are also all deeply adoring of kids, family, and really, really good southern-style food. And, of course, all things Texan.

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