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Honored to Serve ilg’s h(om)etown City Employee’s for our Week One Of Four; Backbend/Inversion Workshop! if feeble ilg can open and influence the Hearts and Spines of my precious H(om)etown’s City Servers?! Well? feeble ilg might just again cause Ripples which may result in Waves for the benefit of my Daughter and ALL of Durango’s […]

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pic by Ray Dielo of the Silverton Standard (one of the longest running newspapers on Turtle Island!) as i lead out the marquee-names of distance running down historic Blair Street, Silverton, CO last Saturday.   2018 8th Annual Winter Warrior 10k OVERALL RACE CHAMPIONS (thanks to Durango Nordic Club!) held on Saturday, Feb. 10th at […]

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  ha! poster boy ilg strikes again! hope to see YOU on the Start Lines! NOTE: the Feb 10th race falls on the same day as my Winter Warrior 10k snowshoe race, so, won’t win the Series, yet? the real victory? is toeing the Start Lines! Get OUT and DO so as To BE!!!!!

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My 8th ANNUAL WINTER WARRIOR 10K to support the Durango Youth Nordic Club: Race Day; Sat. Feb 10, 2018! Blessed Be Thy Sweat-full (W)holidays!
register today at: www.WinterWarrior10k.com

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pic: the Rainbow All-Ways leads you to what is Most Important…Dewa quickly drew this during the  Awards Ceremony at my final Winter Race of this season which aptly included both Dewa and Joy Kilpatrick whose Noble Efforts took us to an Overall Title… i went hard for the first 800 meters… knew the Course…was a […]

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DURANGO TV will be filming on Race Day…What an amazingly talented field of national/world class athletes already signed up as well as those whose goal is just to walk the 5k! My treasured donators are REALLY steppin’ up again and our renown raffle prizes? Awesomeness! BLESSED! Please support my race! Need course marshals/volunteers! c’mon! join our Crazy Wisdom Parade to benefit the Durango Youth Nordic Ski Team!

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super stoked to be the featured guest on Mike Brook’s “ClimbTalk” Show tonight! 9:45pm at KVCU 1190 AM Boulder/Denver…or visithttp://www.radio1190.org/ and press the live stream button   Feeble ilg when i was not so feeble…mid-eighties, Boulder, CO…i could get on podiums of bodybuilding, ultra-marathons, and free solo some of the most difficult climbs in the […]

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