
“the ground of the ordinary mind”…functions like a storehouse, in which the imprints of past actions caused by our negative emotions are all stored like seeds. When the right conditions arise, they germinate and manifest as circumstances and situations in our lives…

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“Darren Here, yoga student of Coach Ilg in Los Angeles. My gratitude to him and the WF path for the seeds planted in 1999 at powerhouse gym of chatsworth California. Since then my vision expanded globally…”

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Quote of the Week…

Published on Jul 23, 2012 by in Potent Quotes, Teachings


Dear Coach Ilg,

Considering that We have never met in person and I know only of you from my experience on the WWW, I have to say that your vision of Tranquility , Beauty and Oneness in the Universe, counters all evil that one would encoumter on this Internet. thank you for spreading the love…

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Q & A:   “…seeking a super-intense meditation program to completely clear my chakras…”

WF teaches; First things first. What would happen if our moon or sun grew tired of repetition? Do you ever see Them trying to take short-cuts? So, why are we in such disappointment when a Teacher attempts to safely, slowly, and non-dramatically impart an anciently proven Path of Transformation…why has it becOMe so in vogue to taking shortcuts instead of developing a wholistic lifestyle of long-term spiritual fitness?

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oh, ilg knows all too lusciously well that road cycling has its special m(om)ents…

however, uh…

c’mon…enjoy my workout today, courtesy of the high San Juans and

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This M(om)ent…Sweating, Swooning, and Stillness here in the Vortex..

… it’s actually (today) an hour and seven minute climb to the top of the scintillating, single track, technical downhill section…and that is at my high Zone 3 pace. your actual climb time might be slower (or faster) depending on your fitness/skills. the whole 16-mile route took me 1:35 front door-to-front door.

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A Virtual MTB Ride/Lesson…

Pedaling through a thicket of Aspen Beings and a creek crossing… See that smile on ET’s face?! The mountain biker who wins is the one who is having the most fun!

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Bear Smart…

Published on Jul 18, 2012 by in Animal Medicine, Durango Vibe, nature, Teachings

Bear Smart…

…why we don’t camp in our backyard…

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