
“When we have prayed and aspired and hungered for the truth for a long time, for many, many lives, and when our karma has become sufficiently purified, a kind of miracle takes place. And this miracle, if we can understand and…”

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by less than half a wheel…

you know ilg does not seek the Print…the Media…yet if any of the current crop of CrossFit, Yoga, Meditation, Nutrtion stars and starlets would even consider spending a week training and practicing with unacknowledged Grandfather of American Wholistic Fitness® training?
trust me,
ilg would drop them all within 3 days of WF intensity…
today was special…

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the yogi has no place,

no space…

just a Dance

Gifted from the Divine…

whether others understand this Sacred Dance?

does not matter…

what matters?

the Dancing…

through It All (Lila)…

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what an ilg “easy day” at age 50 looks like…

…cuz in Wholistic Fitness®? each day is but a dharmic dance among the disciplines and principles of WF, baby! How Blessed Are We Who Have Found and Walk This Precious Path of Wholeness?!

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Robbed by Bandits, Dad GUM It!!!

…DAD GUM ITS!!!!!!!! BANDITS!!!! they’re robbin’ our train, girls, hold me close…i’ll stop the bullets from ye….

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This M(om)ent……Autumnal Nirvana in the Bubble…

…nothing says “Autumn at 6,412′ than this all-local meal!

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“fantastic wholistic Mt. Taylor pre-season training today! early am personal practice into inline skate to teach yoga, into an hour of indoor climbing with my Beloved Joy Kilpatrick, into an hour of inline skating at 14 mph/average along the bike path, passing bicyclists! tired and sacredly stoked…”

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…when Joy was teaching yoga to Dewa’s kindergarten class, she asked, “Why is Hearing so important?”

to which one very Bodhisattivic boy replied without hesistation:

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