Tight Shoulders?
Tight Hips?
Mind that just won’t stop?
Can’t afford a season ski pass?
Wondering if you’ll be able to “podium” this year?
Tight Shoulders?
Tight Hips?
Mind that just won’t stop?
Can’t afford a season ski pass?
Wondering if you’ll be able to “podium” this year?
May your New Year find your legs crossed more then ever before within the Noble Silence and 4th Noble Fitness Discipline of the Wholistic Fitness™ Path; Meditation.
Warriorship is about being brave enough (read; fearless) to be gut honest with ourselves every step of the Way. When our own mOM is encountering a possible Bardo Entry, it’s a pretty interesting Mirror in which to watch our mind, our ego, and our emotional waves. The egoic default system in place seems unflappably fastened to our Being; “Oh, poor me…having to clean up this diarrhea again when i could be out riding my bike or skiing or doing asana…” How many seconds, minutes, hours, days, lifetimes does it take before our Higher Self rises above the ego and emotions to herald, “This IS your yoga! This IS your Practice…so PRACTICE!”
honestly however, me toeing the Start Line tomorrow? has helped in unspeakably potent ways to heal my knee. see; let me tell you a Secret of Mountaineering, Sport Performance, Overcoming Weakness/Imbalance, Conquering Dis-ease and Injury, and last however, not least, Chi-ld Rearing: ALWAYS MOVE IN THE DIRECTION YOU WANT TO GO.
if you had seen my right knee one and a half weeks ago, here is what you…well, actually perhaps not YOU being a WF devotee…however, here is what many would have (and many did) say:
It was Dewa who spotted this magnificent setting of Grandfather yesterday evening…Ananda was quick enough to capture it…given our Teachings this week, this photo reMinds ilg and Moves ilg to the understanding that just because we may not yell or scream or cuss or drink or whatever, doesn’t mean we don’t have Work to do with Anger…these clouds in Father Sky as we discussed this week reMind me that even passiveness equals anger…it’s just not acted out. the following five adorable Dewa-filled photos and my captions are sync’d up perfectly with our Teachings in the SanghaLounge and here this week…may we all Benefit…Can’t you just feel a celestial MIGHT within those beautiful Cloud Sisters in the pic above?! Conduct thyself in the manner of Father Sky and just let come what may come, and let go what goes.
Most Noble Sangha,
make no mistake; along the Spiritual Path – among Western Awakened Fitness Warriors – the Mindful Practice of Hand Washing Dishes should be leaped toward by any sincere WF Student, not shied away from.
undone dishes is a metaphor for our undigested thoughts.
if left undigested, Thoughts naturally morph into Samskaric ripples, each one eventually needing…
If any current WF Student comes closest to my definition of a Wholistic Fitness Yogi, my Precious Online Student and old friend from Santa Fe, Josh Schrei currently is on the podium. i am currently training this highly skilled, experienced, and tapped in ashtangi for an ultra-distance trail race this spring in New Mexico. Not many yogis that i have met thus far in my life, display such fitness across the physiologic spectrum matched by such a high level of spiritual ripeness.
For ANYONE in our Tribe who can get to Santa Fe this Saturday night, do so. Student Josh is going to crank off a chi-filled presentation: The Lake of Nine Devotions: A Photographic Journey Though India