
the yogi has no place,

no space…

just a Dance

Gifted from the Divine…

whether others understand this Sacred Dance?

does not matter…

what matters?

the Dancing…

through It All (Lila)…

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“Yes, Sweetheart?”

“Sometimes, when we are fishing…i feel so peaceful…like…yoga.”

“That’s an awesome sharing, Dewa! thank you! yeah, i reckon fishin’ is just another form of yoga…if it’s yogis that are fishin!”

“Hey, WE are yogis!”

“That’s right, daughter, we ARE yogis!”


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what an ilg “easy day” at age 50 looks like…

…cuz in Wholistic Fitness®? each day is but a dharmic dance among the disciplines and principles of WF, baby! How Blessed Are We Who Have Found and Walk This Precious Path of Wholeness?!

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This M(om)ent……Autumnal Nirvana in the Bubble…

…nothing says “Autumn at 6,412′ than this all-local meal!

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Durango Connect serves as a (meta)physical workout….

so, this morning, Durango’s entire scholastic and business systems were put on Pause as my friend, Jake Turner’s vision of a 7-mile long Human Chain running the length of the precious Animas River Trail attempted to manifest…i laced on my inline skates, picked up a cowbell and a camera and met my girls along with 8,000 other Durangatangs who gathered along the sinewy riparian paradise known as the Animas River Trail to honor all of the Trail’s amazing volunteers who helped make it happen…

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If i could take more than a m(om)ent to ruminate over the past five years, i could probably c(om)e up with some pretty snappy prose about these past 5 years…yet, Parenthood – especially at age 50 and trying to eek out a living as a yoga teacher? Well, rumination is a trait of my former life…not the current Time Trial within which my Practice now must evolve…instead of de-volve or dee-minish entirely!

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okay, Conscious Fathers everywhere who read a bijillion library books to their young ones…

name the storybook book character that i am dressed up as and save yourself up to $395 on a New Student Membership

or extend your current Online Training by two months free!

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For ilg? Mt. Taylor begins right here…on the spongy track and field of my alma mater; Miller Jr. High School….my churchyard of a thousand sacred sweats…for this former paralyzed yogi? today marked the beginning of my run training to perhaps complete, maybe even cOMpete toward another podium in February’s Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon…will YOU join me? if you think you have Endurance? if you consider yourself a yogi? C(om)e, toe this Start Line – solo – with me this Feb….think you’re “cross-fit”? okay…c’mon…throw down THIS 3 decade-long Test Piece of WF and join the esteemed ranks of other WF Warriors who’ve accomplished it: Fit Kit, Padma, Yogi Jut, Yogi bRad, Flex Armstrong, and perhaps one or two more WF Students that have taken Sacred Pilgrimage to cOMplete this race as a soloist.

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