pic: several weeks ago…feeble yogi ilg enjoying a skiers winter life in our precious, heavenly hamlet beneath the sacred peak of Dibé Nitsaa with my live-in Rinpoche; Dewachen Ilg (8). tis a great Medicine Blessing to have nearly died 3x in this one lifetime for rare is the moment – let alone a day – […]
ilg performing Leg Extensions using the Wholistic Fitness® Standard Staccato Technique which really ignites the quads, meanwhile, note the WF technique of not holding onto the machine, which engages the core to stabilize the movement resulting in my maxim; “Less is more…” pic by Mike Powell in my book, The Winter Athlete. WF Strength Training is […]
Don’t be in too much of a hurry to solve all your doubts and problems. As the masters say: “Make haste slowly.” I always tell my students not to have unreasonable expectations, because it takes time for spiritual growth. It takes years to learn Japanese properly or to become a doctor. Can we really expect […]
yup, when it c(om)es to my own paltry road cycling pal mares* THESE GUYS AND GALS are responsible for feeble ilg reaching WAAAAAY down to c(om)e up with the goods to deliver the podium for my teams, my self, and my cycling sangha from Durango…ilg is HONORED to be a part of my h(om)etown’s cycling legacy…ironically? […]
Feeble ilg; grateful chi-ld of the Uni-Verse…each Sacred Sweat upon Mother Earth, beneath Father Sky is another unique PrayerDance of humility and awe at It All. pic: Yesterday’s run among New Mexico’s arroyos, sandstone domes, and red spires. Blessed Be Your Contribution to the One-Poem (Uni-Verse).
This M(om)ent…with all Karmic implications and Samskaric reverberations known, accepted, and endlessly talked about…feeble yogi ilg still Thinks And Feels that fishing remains an Awes(om)e Dharmic/Conscious Parenting vehicle…if Mahayogi Jesus was a Fisherman? That’s go(o)d enough for ilg…and yeah, that is a beautiful 12″ German Brown on Dewa’s stringer along with 2 equally resplendent […]
pic: Daddy and Dewa during an autumn run/hike in the La Plata Mountains by Joy Kilpatrick. Dewa wants (this week, at least) to c(om)pete in the 2024 Olympics in the Hurdles. D-cat is tied for being the smallest in her class – however Dewa is also the youngest and could be a 2nd, instead of […]
three decades later, as a tortured, bleeding, dehydrated, berserk yogi – Mary’s son – was viciously nailed (most criminals were ‘merely’ tied via hemp rope to their rosy crucifixion) sputtered His last few words, probably looking at his loving, anguished beyond belief M(0m) kneeling at his cross, He managed,
“…Father, into Your hands i commit my spirit…”