
think bicycle racing is tough? phfff. think nordic ski racing is tough? guess again. running? uh…..kindygarten. ashtanga/power/hot yoga? c’mon; and you best bring your Mula Bandha! Cycle Crosser’s? uh what, y’all run for like uh, 30 seconds max? you don’t know deep, sacred, delicious pain, until you’ve raced on Sport Snowshoes… c’mon…bring your off season […]

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when was the last time you out-sprinted a teenager after running a heart rate of 166+ for 50 minutes at 9,000’…and WON!?!

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running in snowshoes (5)

snowflake falls upon sandstone (7)

mountain chill feels Go(o)d (5)

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World Cup Windham

word on the snow is that National Cycling Champion, Howard Grotts is gunning to toe the Start Line of my Winter Warrior Snowshoe Race this Feb. 9th. in fact, he is coming to my Snowshoe Clinic this weekend, “to learn some technique”..that makes 2 National Champions, (Travis Brown, being the other) that realize the value of high intensity sport snowshoeing to their off-season cycling fitness by toeing my Start Line…how about you?

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Wholistic Core/Spin Class Choreography released

for WF.com Members ONLY here is my choreography of what we did…you can mimic a similar class on your own, using it. note that in reverse direction (what else is new about ilg, right?) i hammered the students with 20+ minutes of wholistic core work in the style of HP Yoga® BEFORE spinning to pre-fatigue the core and THEN superimpose the 60-minute high intensity SPIN! this is old-school WF philosophy, and, trust me; it worked as well this morning as it did over 30 years ago!

here you go:

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allWays a distinct honor to give an overnight bunk to one of our Tribe’s most devoted students! Warrior Leaf executed the option to share a
half-day training camp with me before resuming his eastward travels…

here are a few shots..enjoy and be sure to schedule YOUR unique WF Half-Day Winter Sport Training Camp!

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A Mountain Yogi’s Version of a StairMaster Workout:   When the Sacred Snows Run Thin?  Run Up (and Down)…

ilg calls this posture; Apresthresholdhellasana. ilg reckons this is what the common man is afraid of…spewing Sacred Spit after 51 minutes of Threshold uphill running through snow…yes, feeble ilg missed breaking the 50-minute barrier up the 2,029′ walls of snow by 1 stinkin’ minute. aaaaargh!!! That’s okay…in failure, we learn more than through success. Next week? If it still hasn’t snowed? I already have a different route selection that just may save me those few seconds to break 50-minutes. Such goes the Warrior Mind.

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“When we have prayed and aspired and hungered for the truth for a long time, for many, many lives, and when our karma has become sufficiently purified, a kind of miracle takes place. And this miracle, if we can understand and…”

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