
Big Medicine Day for feeble ilg..i re-visited after a couple of decades my old ‘office’ of Eldorado Canyon where during a decade i was engulfed in a tidal wave of sacred creation; where once i put up dozens of First Ascents which to this day, legions of rock climbers still monument my original ascents…oh, baby, have things changed since my near daily pilgrimages to this unspeakably precious crayola-colored canyon hallmarked by a clear, wild creek rushing over still tumbling (though be it in slow-motion) boulders.

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in typical early/mid 80’s style, i was completely hung over from partying/dancing hard (probably at ‘my’ club back then: The Boulder Express) the night before this photo shoot which had to happen at 4:30am before Farentinos Gym opened at 6…

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The Householder knows (5)

Truth is hard on the subway (7)

Never stop trying! (5)

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actual story: at the time, both Andre (Agassi and Ilg were NIKE sponsored (ilg representing the then A.C.G. – All Conditions Gear – Line of NIKE) and we met a couple of times at a few gigs…at airports, during that time, i got mistaken for Andre several times because i would be toting around big NIKE gear bags with my blond-bleached mullet, et. al…so, hate to spill the beans, but

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This Sweatshirt that you so graciously took the time to document, must have been made circa: 1984 when i went through a Marketing Crisis and didn’t know if i should stick with “Wholistic Fitness®” or go with “Harmony Now” an obvious bow to my Sensei; Kaoru Kishiyama…

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feeble ilg, bridging East/West fitness modalities since 1981, shown here recently in his h(om)e studio gettin’ his Vagal Tone on via Bharadvajrasana…”eventually the Outer World will catch upto – and at least acknowledge – the incredible pioneering force of Wholistic Fitness®…or maybe not..it’s all Go(o)d…”

We all know that yoga does a body (and a mind) good. But up until recently, no one could really say with any degree of certainty why—or even how—it improves conditions as varied as depression and anxiety, diabetes, chronic pain, and even epilepsy.

Now a group of researchers at Boston University School of Medicine believe they’ve discovered yoga’s secret.

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Race Update:   “I didn’t drown!”…Pagosa Winter Quadrathlon

Leg 2; 5k Run..
… I run as hard as i can upon my season-long injured knee toward the leader, Ott. i feel tranced, as if in some weird white-man contortion of a corn dance, eating up asphalt beneath my flying feet and spitting out pranic corn bread. I dance this 5k softly with conscious breath. With Higher Protection from the care from the WF Deities, my body receives gracefully the impact of a hard 5k on asphalt and i only lose two places to two national class (and much younger) athletes as i enter the Bike Transition in 4th Place overall.
My Tibetan Teachers would say,” The world ends everyday in all sorts of Ways for many Beings in many Realms.”

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“Climbers disdain me, take cheap shots at me, but not as cheap as mine at them,”

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