
my dad – who passed away three years ago last week – was a supremely tough German…stubborn as the day is long. if young ilg would so much as begin to utter a complaint or whimper about doing yet another one of his regularly assigned 10,000 chores for me? he’d immediately interrupt my balking tendency to roar (while usually throwing something he had in his one good hand), “Oh for CHRISTS SAKES!!!…FORGET IT…I’LL DO IT MYSELF!!!! Why don’t you just go inside and cut out paper dolls with your mother!?!?”

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Dewa’s Got Her M(om)’s Stage Skillset Fer SURE:  She KILLED IT on-stage at 5!

feeble ilg could NOT be more (yogically) ‘proud’ of our precious daughter…who KILLED IT on stage tonight at Ft. Lewis in a crowd-going-crazy rendition of “Music Box Dancers”…Dewachen? Daddy was in tears of joy flowing from my spiritual heart! You got your momma’s stage skills few sure…

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“Daddy!” Dewa shrieked as i appeared at the threshold of her Kindergarten Classroom, holding my Hall Permit from the staunch Check In personnel at Needham Elementary School, to pick my daughter up early in order to assist the 5-generation Durangoan Zink Family in their Mission to restore 50 acres of Animas River Valley to their vital and historic, wetland condition. We were going to spend our afternoon planting trees in wetlands. As i felt my daughter thump into my outstretched arms in front of her entire class and Teachers, a rush of low self-esteem swept over me…never in my life, let alone at age 5, has ilg ever been capable or willing to display such an outwardly embrace of Love. During our hug, i saw her classmates, each of them smiling at our embrace. “Okay…this mOMent alone is enough,” i felt to myself…yet, it was merely the beginning to another miraculously sacred ‘Daddy & Dewa Day Time’…c’mon…a lot of Dharma to follow!

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Mother Earth Day!   What If Everybody Did It?

…besides, how often do you get to see a bona fide Princess picking up

other people’s trash?


“Yes, my love?”

“How come some people throw trash on our Mother Earth?”

“Well, baby girl?…they just didn’t have Go(o)d Teachers…that’s all…”

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How vital it is to refrain from the temptation to judge ourselves or the teachings, and to be humorously aware of our condition, and to realize that we are, at the moment, as if many people all living in one person.

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picked up my girls from the airport today (they stayed a couple days longer than did i)…i dunno, might be just me, however, i TAF hangin’ at South Beach kinda changed Dewa…the girl can drop into various roles, dat’s fer sure…

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think bicycle racing is tough? phfff. think nordic ski racing is tough? guess again. running? uh…..kindygarten. ashtanga/power/hot yoga? c’mon; and you best bring your Mula Bandha! Cycle Crosser’s? uh what, y’all run for like uh, 30 seconds max? you don’t know deep, sacred, delicious pain, until you’ve raced on Sport Snowshoes… c’mon…bring your off season […]

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“One word, ANIMAL!” says National MTB Champion Joe Burtoni about my effort to regain my former King of the Mountain title at last weekend’s Chama Ski Classic. ilg lost the title by not being fast enough in the snowshoe..yet, as i tell my 5 year-old daughter, “Competition means, by definition, To Arise From Within,”..she gets it. do you? Toe the Start Line of SOMETHING, ANYTHING…and feel how the Sangha of Competition lifts you waaaay higher than not cOMpeting…get out there and do your Noble Best…

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