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pic by Jenni Annesi of Dewa putting the screws to an undefeated girl from a much larger city/program during Ouray’s Quad XC Meet on Thursday… Dewa would go on to win wire-to-wire in Her first ever Overall Victory in XC Running! pic by Jenni Annesi of Dewa and Daddy/Coach after Dewa’s amazing WIRE TO WIRE […]

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Parkour at 12,400’+; 4 Peaks/2 Hours w/Dewa! what a Sacred HONOR it was to – after nearly 15 years – revisit my old h(om)etown of Santa Fe with Dewa and just SLAM the CHI across 4 of ilg’s once go-to high peaks in just over 2 hours! most memorable m(om)ent… nearly 60 year-old ilg and […]

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  pic; selfie at the famed “Gudys Rest” on the CT….over my shoulders i the Junction Creek (JC) drainage.     160/Lightner/Dry Fork/Hoffeins/CT/JC…i like this direction because from RiverPad it’s about 70-minutes of relatively gradual climbing. wanted to keep my HR steady and moderate and pretty much Mission C(om)pleted. As the Captain of the premier […]

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“The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.“ –  Confucius     pic 1: my Chi-ldhood drainage;  Junction Creek watershed fr(om) the summit of Cumberland Peak 12,388′.  what was YOUR Chi-ldhood watershed?   see the entire GoPro footage of my 50-mile, 6 1/2 hour bike/run workout the Monday AFTER this week’s ilgVlog!   pic […]

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Less Is More;  “We only do well the things we like doing,”

  “We only do well the things we like doing,”  – Colette as quoted in Steve Ilg’s THE OUTDOOR ATHLETE’S TRAINING JOURNAL (1992/Johnson Press)   leading pic by Tina Maria Vallez  of your feeble teacher and Sandra Lee who created the  Navajo Nation Community Fundraiser as we prepare to deliver the first of several food shipments directly […]

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YouTube is basically our new Temple Way of C(om)municating with me… you can C(om)ment,  ask questions, everything.   really trying to focus on amplifying this YouTube Channel in 2020,  so please,   hit Like, SUBSCRIBE, and comment as you wish!  would LOVE to hear fr(om) you at Steve Ilg on YouTube! Wholistic Fitness® and your feeble Conduit […]

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  pic by your feeble teacher of nothing of Marjorie Catherine Ilg – ageless at 89 – waving to Her son’s Sangha, cuz?  Well, reckon She’s proud of Her son’s inspiring 4 decades of Warrior/ess’s like Her!   Hec,  you think ilg Teaches tough?!?!   no…ilg’s M(om) is the tough one,  trust ilg on this one!   see […]

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Red (Mother)Earth, Blue (Father) Sky… ilg can be found here if not in the high alpine terrain… love EVERYTHING ABOUT the high desert… and to ilg? it gets more and more sacred as ilg grows older and shares my special sacred spaces with Dewa who REALLY vibes in Auspicious Ways among this pinon-studded, arid Heavenly […]

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