October Rain…

a cold October rain taps out a “go(o)d morning” as i attempt to pry Dewa (8) from her stapled self fixed onto my own body. yeah, we still co-sleep because? #1: there is no “co”…we are One. and #2: sleeping with your chi-ldren next to you is the most natural thing on this plane(t) to do; lest you have forgotten and thus forsaken your countless previous lives snuggled close to each other before we invented fire and slept for warmth next to the Soul Who Chose To C(om)e Through You for as long as possible…

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Student PG on Perfect Amino;  lost 13lbs, endurance up, soreness gone

Since upping my dose to 5-7 per day my weight has reduced, my endurance increased, and most importantly the soreness has left my body! I am within 7 pounds of my playing weight and should be there by the end of the year. Many thanks to you and the Dr. for your always sage advice….head bowed, PG

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my precious lifelong Sacred River – many of my friends who used to poke fun at me since i always refer to the Animas as, ‘Our Sacred River,’ are NOT poking fun at me now! – is now a fluid ribbon of toxicity which requires me as a Blessed and Sworn Dharma Protecter to dig deep into my yogic/spiritual warrior quiver to re-iterate my LifeMessage since 1985:

The Outdoors is Sacred>Care For It Unconditionally!

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Maybe our Mayor is the misguided one? Dewachen seems to consider public parks full of Dandelions just Dandy…how about you? Want you and our children to play in Dandelion-studded organic parks or toxic-waste dumps?

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Although surrounded by stunning natural if not mystical beauty, Beclabito has not ONE mountain biking trail, hiking trail, or even a skateboard park, soccer field, or half an outdoor basketball court or even a running track while here in Durango, less than 2 hours away? We have DEVO and DOZENS of world-class venues for our kids to service ALL of their interests and passions.

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okay…so maybe it’s a mid-life crisis…
maybe ilg is just REALLY trying to express to my precious students that i am again willing to walk my talk about ‘challenging our weakness’s, not our strengths…

or maybe? i’ve just lost it, c(om)pletely!

whatever it is? ilg is going to Toe The Start Line of my most challenging event since my free-soloing rock climbing exploits in the early ’80’s; i’m going to SOLO the Pagosa Springs Winter Quadrathlon which means, yes, i’ve got to SWIM .5k!

see, the thing is? i don’t know how to swim.

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Motivated Mind, Race Mind…the spiritual implications of Start Lines

C(om)mitment to an effort is a hard thing for many to accept. It is easier to just go skiing or snowshoeing than it is to train for skiing and snowshoeing. Then again, it’s easier to just eat a Snickers bar than to will oneself not to. Easier to just get drunk and forget problems than to stand sober to their challenge. For those who have touched bliss through the discipline of training there is no longer a question of “easier” or “harder.” There is only the Path Higher. For those who battle against mainstream mediocrity born from an addiction to comfort and duality a sagacious fulfillment of a much Higher sort is realized. It is..

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ilg’s Editorial in today’s Durango Herald

There are no shortcuts around the realization that we are all children of Father Sky and Mother Earth. When rain falls, it falls on everyone without condition or opinion.

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