
Yogis – traditionally – are intensely apolitical. that’s because they’ve blown through the delusion of how things seem, and Realize that it is only by developing oneself we can truly help others.  Rumi comes to mind: Apparent shapes and meanings change. Creature hunts down creature. Bales get unloaded and weighed to determine price. None of […]

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SR herbs

There ain’t NUTHIN’ more joyful than opening that big box of SUNRIDER Herbs come these autumn days! RIGHT NOW is the traditional time of the year when our Tribe starts hammering down the “Secret Herbs” + MAP Aminos to deeply beef up our two immune systems; respiratory and t-cell. This update should serve as your wake up call to get ready for the winter months by fortifying your cellular fitness and immune support systems; check it out and order your HERBS!

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ilg in first snow

and – once again – i’ve fallen in love with the rumpled quilt of snow draped across the mountainsides and how seductively the Aspen Beings have undressed themselves as if in curtsey to the first deep freeze…shucking their leafy, flaming garments of leaves like so many living farolitos. it’s all so breathtakingly gorgeous, this Last Gasp of autumn breached upon the first snows…may ilg position his insouciant limbs into the Divine Mother’s arms with a fraction of the beauty of a singular San Juan aspen leaf in late October!

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Detering cookin padma

Student Detering engaging several WF Practices:  Earned Sustenance, Non-Dominant Hand Technique, Smiling Guru,  Challenge Discomfort, et. al.  Oh like, you think we can’t ALL be inspired by WF Students like Susan?  Sangha?   We NEED your bravery to SHARE what you have found within WF!  photo and chi, courtesy of Student Detering.  Search the Archives for […]

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The Imogene ’10 Chronicles, Part 3: Toeing The Start Lines = Yoga. The WF Sacred Sport Pilgrmage “Bucket List”

click pics to deepen the chi hits… “Toeing The Start Line,” has long been a catch phrase of mine. Here is why. Doing what is required to simply Toe The Start Line of a race (or of a performance) is tantamount to cultivating the Warrior qualities which the Ancient Enlightened Ones advised as key for […]

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Life In Kali Yuga- When will the Dharma of WF be listened to?

They Ain’t Laughing Now…i first wrote publicly about the physiologic, physical, and spiritual dangers of listening to headphones while exercising when “Walkmans” first became popular in the early eighties. Back then i was a columnist for Rocky Mountain Sports & Fitness. I wrote that listening extensively to blaring music piped directly into ears was a […]

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Dewa’s first day of pre-school…Conscious Parenting Test #1

My Precious Live-in Rinpoche…Dewachen. Totally stoked for her first day of pre-school this morning (8:30 – 12:00) at my alma mater, St. Columba. click to enlarge the ‘Dewa Chi’. * It’s a heccuva thing; this Conscious Parenting gig… What you see in the photo above is the one thing that all Conscious Parents pray and […]

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Dental Crowns and a Shakti Vortex of Supreme Splendor

click to enlarge: Box Canyon Falls, Ouray, CO… one of the most powerful Shakti vortex’s of Turtle Island’s southwest. this is ultimate Yin…you can see the waterfall gushing behind the vagina-like, sculpted granite crevice. photo by Ananda. *** Hello Coach, Hope all is well with you and your family. i know you are very busy […]

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