Ilg Rev Master-1357

our peleton (20 warriors and warrioresses tonight!) shares a sacredly fun hour along any one of our imaginary outdoor rides we do in the summer…stop by if you are willing and able…let me know if you’d like a video to be made of one of my classes for my out of town Tribal Brothers and Sisters…

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“At an early age,
winter sports came into my life and fulfilled a spiritual sphere which continues to expand toward a divine bliss. Coldness, sweat, and snow have incredible beauty, mystique, and power. Such qualities inherent to winter sports are far more transformative than books, temples, and the idiocy of people and their addiction to perceived comfort and duality.”

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The world’s original winter sport which saved the human ‘race’ remains the most demanding, mystical, and spirit-elevating pursuit on this Plane(t)….but don’t take my word for it…

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“If you want to win the Human Race? you gotta stay focused on Enlightenment. You’ve been graced this Human Incarnation from your countless lives of competing since you did what it took to split the cell…don’t give up your Practice, drive deep into your weaknesses and develop wholeness because wholeness is the foundation of Enlightenment.”

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by the Turn Around point at 7.6 miles? i knew i was going strong; sure i had moments of weakness…ahamkara (ego) pleading, “Stop this pain! Less pressure! you’ll blow up on the final climb!” and other such egoic bullshit. The Wholistic Fitness® cure for such lower mind antics? Mantra. Recenter on the Breath. Keep the Cadence…surrender to the wind, the rain, the mud…and i did. Felt Eagle Medicine sweep me through the highly dangerous final curve into the final 3k climb…i settled willingly into the Pain Cave wherein the Noble Silence empowered my pedaling…

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2014-01-01 00.00.00-45

pic:  D-cat and i take an evening stroll (by Durango standards, which means tracking Bear and collecting hundreds of ancient snail shells upon the Mancos Shale intensely hilly topography)…Cardio is a most traditional Yogic discipline; inherent to the Ancient Enlightened Ones Practice (consider Gandhi’s Salt March, Swami Rama’s Himalayan treks, etc., etc…) STUDENT Q&A:   […]

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Screenshot 2015-05-24 20.20.59

Yesterday at 10,910’… surrounded by my lifelong friends; cold, snow, and high heart rate! Felt fleet, felt a sense of Wu-Wei – effortless effort – and raced to a top 10% of all 400+ finishers…today? well, not so much…


in bike racing there is an oft recited catchphrase; “Sometimes you are the hammer, and sometimes? Well you’re the {explicative} nail.”

this morning? feeble ilg was the latter.

in fact, i finished very nearly DEAD LAST!

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Screenshot 2015-05-20 16.36.39

from one broken back mountain yogi to another…Danelle? it’s been a while since chasing each other on snowshoes, however, your inspiration remains as fresh to me as a September snow in Leadville…

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