
precisely one week after crashing face-first at mach sledding speed into a metal bench, Dewachen Ilg’s healing capacity literally made the operating doctor shake his head…his mind boggled at the one week healing transformation. however, in our WF World? such accelerated Self Healing is what has built the power and wisdom of this Fitness Tribe for the past 3.5 decades!

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it band

“Dear Coach,

When doing your hp prop workout it is very obvious that I have strength imbalances ( right side stronger than the left). I notice it more in my stomach and back. It is much easier for me to hit my right elbow to my left knee while doing sit-ups than it is to hit my left elbow to my right knee. Do you have any advice to help take care of these imbalances?

Peace by the journey,

Coach Responds:

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Picture 19

can you tell it’s a snowy day and ilg is just catching up on things i shoulda done months ago? here is the teaser video for the Ai Imawa Training Package…


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On an early winter ascent in 1981, Steve Ilg, a sponsored rock and ice climber, made a move on the east face of Longs Peak that unearthed a stone slab the size of an office desk. He and the chunk, already loose due to continuous freeze-thaw action on the Diamond, plummeted 60 feet to the earth where they landed… with a splash. The water bottles attached to Ilg’s pack cushioned his fall. “My climbing partner said that when I hit,

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maha mudra

Hi Steve! I am a huge fan of yours. I do your yoga dvd’s, and I find it is helping me out tremendously. My Doctor has advised me not to run that much because of my knees and heavy weight. What could I do to drop the pounds with good cardio, without having a club membership, bike or a pool around? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
With much honour and respect,

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These are the two WF Health Care Arrows you’ll need in your Quiver…particularly for summer…

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asea convention

Ultra Early Bird Reservations to attend the Asea National Conference ends tonight for only $69…

plus, get rooms at the COSMOPOLITAN for as little as $139…bring the Clan and let’s meet in Vegas to learn and enjoy more about the most recent and perhaps most powerful arrow of all in the WF Nutritional Quiver; ASEA – “The Sacred Water of Wholistic Fitness™”

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Dear coach Ilg,

My deepest apologies, but i am sad to write this to you. As i returned
to work today, my WF Blessed Mala Beads broke and I have no idea what happened.

I have not taken them off since I received them 2 weeks ago, and now I
feel lost not being able to wear them. Please tell me what I can do to
have them replaced.

In light,

Most Noble Warrior Jason

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