Eventually, our society just might arrive at the re-Discovery that sports, sweating, and stillness may provide the most accessible Path toward Awakening and social transformation the Western world will ever see. – coach ilg. All the jobs we do, the practices we perform, the sports in which we sweat, are mere apprenticeship. the real Art, the true Yoga is our life.
when new yogis come to my classes, i smile a lot and i tell them the same thing i told new yogis back in the eighties…
Yogis – traditionally – are intensely apolitical. that’s because they’ve blown through the delusion of how things seem, and Realize that it is only by developing oneself we can truly help others. Rumi comes to mind: Apparent shapes and meanings change. Creature hunts down creature. Bales get unloaded and weighed to determine price. None of […]
Coach’s Monthly Practice Stats are the living monuments of the diverse, multi-disciplined yoga of Wholistic Fitness. Since 1982, Coach’s Monthly Practice Stats have inspired books, magazines, and legions of fans. the balance through which Coach walks his talk is never so evident – and inspiring – by these gut-honest offerings straight from his Training Diary which include his monthly hours in Strength, Cardio, Asana, Meditation/Prayer plus his asonishingly low calories per day vs. calories expended. WARNING: DO NOT ATTEMPT to match Coach’s mastery of high caloric outputs vs. extremely low caloric intakes!
Most Noble Sangha, i extend my deepest humility and heart-seated appreciation for all of you desirous to teach HP Yoga™, and please Trust in my sincerity that ilg WANTS you to Teach and Transmit the unique HP Chi in YOUR town*! Ananda and i will likely be able to do a HP Yoga™ Teacher Training […]
“…the key to teaching the lower back to ‘let go’ while simultaneously hammering out big cardio volumes/intensities is constancy of Practice and investment within continual Pranic composition…as long as we remain addicted to the muscle & oxygen system, there is no chance for true Wholistic Balance within the capacities of the Human Vehicle.” – coach ilg. in this actual Student Q&A, coach answers a cyclist concerned about how stiff his lower back is and the dangers of health and compromised sport performance of a stiff low back.
There ain’t NUTHIN’ more joyful than opening that big box of SUNRIDER Herbs come these autumn days! RIGHT NOW is the traditional time of the year when our Tribe starts hammering down the “Secret Herbs” + MAP Aminos to deeply beef up our two immune systems; respiratory and t-cell. This update should serve as your wake up call to get ready for the winter months by fortifying your cellular fitness and immune support systems; check it out and order your HERBS!