My master had a student called Apa Pant, a distinguished Indian diplomat and author, who served as Indian ambassador in a number of capital cities around the world. He was also a practitioner of meditation and yoga, and each time he saw my master, he would always ask him “how to meditate.” He was following […]
…as i grow older the wide open spaces of the Four Corners opens my heartspace in yin ways where for so long, my younger years were filleted wide open by the High, Rocky Peaks…these years, it’s a turbulence of love for It All…
so, tonight, our newly crowned Race Director (non-local) shortened tomorrow’s Iron Horse Bicycle Classic from Silverton to Purgatory Ski Resort…where, supposedly, our heroes like Ned Overend, Todd Wells, Marisa Asplund, et. al… are entitled to enjoy “tons of things to do” at Purgatory/Durango Mountain Resort or whatever they are calling it these Kali Yuga days…well, here’s my take on it…
this is my fervently penned Letter to the Editor of the Durango Herald….it probably won’t get published, so you read it here first…
ilg’s Green Chile Stew
i must really, really, REALLY love y’all…cuz normally, i’m too selfish a yogi to reveal s(om)ething this pranically powerful! enjoy! let me know how you like it!
A genuine yogi – born between Father (Sky) and Mother (Earth):
does his or her damnedest to turn weakness’s into strengths, ignorance into awakening, life into sadhana, but… it doesn’t work.
Sure, we might carve out a minuscule release in our tight hips and even tighter hamstrings yet still our lower back feels like a lava rock after our next run.
A genuine yogi – whose Grandfather is Sun and whose Grandmother is Moon:
refuses to take on other’s unhappiness, no matter how deep our compassion grows throughout our practice.
feeble ilg’s offering to my precious Friends Along The Path tonight? Just these Three Gems along the Way Toward Wholeness…
okay…so maybe it’s a mid-life crisis…
maybe ilg is just REALLY trying to express to my precious students that i am again willing to walk my talk about ‘challenging our weakness’s, not our strengths…
or maybe? i’ve just lost it, c(om)pletely!
whatever it is? ilg is going to Toe The Start Line of my most challenging event since my free-soloing rock climbing exploits in the early ’80’s; i’m going to SOLO the Pagosa Springs Winter Quadrathlon which means, yes, i’ve got to SWIM .5k!
see, the thing is? i don’t know how to swim.
“As a 50+ year-old steadfast student of sustained high heart-rates while immersed in diversified outdoor sports has and continues to reveal more to feeble ilg about the nature of lower mind (manas), ego (ahamkara), and Higher Mind (buddhi) to me than all my university level and personally-pursued studies of comparative religion and spirituality.