
  pic by HP Yogini Sandra Dawaghati Lee of Dewa and Daddy beginning the LONG GRIND up the first headwall of theKendall Mountain Race, one of Turtle Island’s harshest mountain trail races and a loooooong time tester for WF Students worthy of the name…   Most Noble Sangha, feeble ilg set his first Course Record […]

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pic by Sandra Lee:  had run 3,000+’ vert to just under 12,000′ on techy terrain and?  well, still had a couple thousand of feet to descend to get back to Chloe Snowflake (ilg’s precious Car Being).   hit this peak bag after two days of hot, hard Trail Building and Single Daddying a sleepover for Dewa […]

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  Oh Dear God, Not Again, Dear God! No Go(o)d can come to ilg outta this… Dear Lord Buddha? What IS IT about Girls and a) Horses and b) Shoes?!?!! 😳 #girlsandshoes #daddydaughterafternoon #ineedhighmountainsquick #singledad #ilgswholisticfitness #consciousparenting so, the above paragraph/pic is what ilg posted on ilg’s social. yet? truly?  ilg KNOWS viscerally why girls […]

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When in Doubt?  Run it Out! selfie of your feeble coach m(om)ents ago enjoying a trail run in the backyard… and yeah, ilg is levitating…   BEFORE YOUR RUN Bronze Medal Tip AutoPilot The First Five.  Put yourself on AutoPilot for the first five minutes. Don’t overthink.  Shut the Off Valve to the Ego which is […]

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Yup… we are looking at ilg’s breakfast this morning after my Early Morning Ritual® which included a sustained enjoyment of my Medicine Spider Inversion/Backbend Routine® into Standing Medicine Spider Routine® (which – btw – took out 90% of an uncharacteristically tweaked lower back weirdness felt upon awakening…). cast-iron skillet on Medium laced with Olive Oil, […]

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ilg’s celebration and awards presentation at the DUST2 Fat Bike Race this morning   And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. – Nietzche got the Win this morning at the highest elevation Fat Tire Bike Race ilg has ever done:  Start Line was […]

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Honored to Serve ilg’s h(om)etown City Employee’s for our Week One Of Four; Backbend/Inversion Workshop! if feeble ilg can open and influence the Hearts and Spines of my precious H(om)etown’s City Servers?! Well? feeble ilg might just again cause Ripples which may result in Waves for the benefit of my Daughter and ALL of Durango’s […]

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