Screenshot 2016-03-22 18.10.32

  This M(om)ent… Daddy and Dewa (8) as I continue introducing my daughter to my sacred vortices of my beloved Southwest…man, we had a blast…Blessed be your day, Precious is this life. My neighbor told me a coupla weeks ago after i swerved my bike like drunkard from fatigue after a local cycling Time Trial, “Oh my God! […]

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pic: the Rainbow All-Ways leads you to what is Most Important…Dewa quickly drew this during the  Awards Ceremony at my final Winter Race of this season which aptly included both Dewa and Joy Kilpatrick whose Noble Efforts took us to an Overall Title… i went hard for the first 800 meters… knew the Course…was a […]

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16 Reasons why i don’t write books any longer….

actual excerpt from a personal correspondence:
“Coach! Even at your age {53} you are like the most balanced, accomplished warrior athlete still out there winning Overalls in all these crazy sports! When is your next book coming out! I am almost half your age now and need another ILG BOOK!”

To be published in 2016? Sorry, no longer interests me. I’d rather do online Wholistic Fitness® coaching, training, yoga teaching, bodywork and be a Conscious Parent to my 8 year-old than write another book only to be lost in the quagmire of supposed self-published ‘authors’…”

whenever i read of a Self Published Book Author giving a Book Signing?
i run the other way…

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DURANGO TV will be filming on Race Day…What an amazingly talented field of national/world class athletes already signed up as well as those whose goal is just to walk the 5k! My treasured donators are REALLY steppin’ up again and our renown raffle prizes? Awesomeness! BLESSED! Please support my race! Need course marshals/volunteers! c’mon! join our Crazy Wisdom Parade to benefit the Durango Youth Nordic Ski Team!

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Student PG on Perfect Amino;  lost 13lbs, endurance up, soreness gone

Since upping my dose to 5-7 per day my weight has reduced, my endurance increased, and most importantly the soreness has left my body! I am within 7 pounds of my playing weight and should be there by the end of the year. Many thanks to you and the Dr. for your always sage advice….head bowed, PG

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Escalation of spiritual ignorance….an ilg published editorial

pictured above: my Sacred Animas River manifesting full throttle the manifestation of White Man’s stupid attachment to monetary greed

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“If you want to win the Human Race? you gotta stay focused on Enlightenment. You’ve been graced this Human Incarnation from your countless lives of competing since you did what it took to split the cell…don’t give up your Practice, drive deep into your weaknesses and develop wholeness because wholeness is the foundation of Enlightenment.”

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“Nothing matters, but everything counts.” – steve ilg, THE OUTDOOR ATHLETE (1985). Are you serious in your Practice or sincere? If you are ‘serious’ in your training, then everything matters, but nothing really counts in a spiritual growth sense.

Spontaneous Fitness is not versus Structured Training. Spontaneous Fitness training, my Noble Friends along the Path of Wholeness? Is a HARD EARNED training effect from Structured Fitness Training.

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