robert crespo

Coach Ilg,

Blown away, that’s all I can say.

Last night while out training with my probie SAR (Search And Rescue) class, we got a call for a rescue of stranded hikers in Eaton Canyon (Altadena/Pasadena).

We responded, I humped my callout pack (35 lbs) and a 350′ rope (30+ lbs) up the canyon to the base of the Razorback trail..

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Dear Coach,
i have read for years now your beautiful, eloquent Teachings on Bardo Entry…i know first hand of just how empowering your deeply conscious counseling as a Reverend and Recognized Dharma Server can be for the dying…so thank you. However, during the recent Death and Dying of my father with which you helped so pricelessly, I have been thrown into a type of Bardo myself and have questioned so many things about living and dying. I need to ask you this; What are your TAF’s about suicide? Forgive me if you have already offered a Teaching on this…I scanned the Teachings Archives as best as I could to no avail. I do not ever want you to think I am lazy before asking such a pivotal question.

For All You Choose To Be and Do No Matter What,

your student A.B.

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May your New Year find your legs crossed more then ever before within the Noble Silence and 4th Noble Fitness Discipline of the Wholistic Fitness™ Path; Meditation.

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Warriorship is about being brave enough (read; fearless) to be gut honest with ourselves every step of the Way. When our own mOM is encountering a possible Bardo Entry, it’s a pretty interesting Mirror in which to watch our mind, our ego, and our emotional waves. The egoic default system in place seems unflappably fastened to our Being; “Oh, poor me…having to clean up this diarrhea again when i could be out riding my bike or skiing or doing asana…” How many seconds, minutes, hours, days, lifetimes does it take before our Higher Self rises above the ego and emotions to herald, “This IS your yoga! This IS your Practice…so PRACTICE!”

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If you enjoy or appreciate ANYTHING about Wholistic Fitness™…it’s because of this Lady…my m(om). i took this shot of Her a few years ago when i lived in Flagstaff…this is Lockett Meadow, near the Inner Basin of the San Francisco Peaks…the home of Doko Oosliid, the Sacred Peak under which my daughter Dewachen was born. Today, my m(om) lies in an ABQ hospital. If you could, please recite the Blessed Mantra while visualizing this picture of my m(om). note the rainbow aura…

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Even our biologic family may not necessarily be our deepest spiritual family, yet the Grocery Store clerk very well might…

Is karma really so hard to see in operation? Don’t we only have to look back at our own lives to see clearly the consequences of some of our actions? When we upset or hurt someone, didn’t it rebound on us? Were we not left with a bitter and dark memory, and the shadows of self-disgust?

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First Entry From Durango: the Wolf has returned to his den! Back From The Moving Bardo!…Plus A WF Challenge Quiz!

What? Me Worry? What? Did i look stressed here? Self photo taken one week ago back in Baderville, Arizona surrounded by two oceans; an outer ocean of unfathomable clutter and moving boxes and another inner ocean of my own samsara. at the point i took the above shot in our move, Ananda and Dewa had […]

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What Have You Bought with Your Life?

What Have You Bought with Your Life? On Resurrection Day God will ask,“During this sojourn I gave you,what have you produced for Me?”Through what work have you reached your life’s end?For what have your food and your strength been consumed?Where have you dimmed the luster of your eye?Where have you dissipated your five senses?You have […]

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