click here for the visual Meditation, then get out and DO YOUR BEST today!
Learning to meditate is the greatest gift you can give yourself in this life. For it is only through meditation that you can undertake the journey to discover your true nature, and so find the stability and…
In yoga-asana and in South Indian meditation techniques, there is a term; “Drishti”…it means, “steady gazing.” Having and holding a steady gaze while performing postures is an ancient mental training tool. Drishti can be internal or…
“If you lose the spirit of repetition, your {zen} practice becomes difficult.” – D.T. Suzuki…
only difference with WF?
we don’t just Sit…we SWEAT…c’mon…
such is very High knowledge. ilg appreciates you asking, for there is a horrid amount of ‘chakra abuse’ out there these days, which is why, at least in our humble, powerful Path, we stick with the Enlightened Authors who can write from Direct Experience instead of conjecture….
a Trusted source for learning about chakra’s can be found in the immutable sacred wisdom found within the pages of
note: do not attempt to accomplish the techniques below without guidance; this is written to an advanced yogini…a yoga teacher who leads many retreats…if, for you, my counsel seems lofty, it is no different than say, racing Imogene Pass as hard as you can, yet, you look up the mountain and there are runners miles ahead of you…i have many students. each on various Levels. not better, just different. the important point is to keep moving Higher and Inward. – may this Teaching help you and do not forward. – ec
High Heart Rate with a view…
looking NE over Ophir Pass…the 4wd road pictured. the snow still tinges the southwest edge of the unnamed lake, about 1,200′ below my Pranayama perch. as i was immersed in my pranayama, an Osprey buzzed me at warp speed, nearly sending me off my perch! this is a very Go(o)d place to ilg…