
finished in 3:03, 26th out of over 500 registrants and over 450 starters. i liked the math going into tomorrow.

most of all? i LOVED seeing my family at the Finish Line; Dewa going crazy with love while holding up her hand-written sign which read, “GO DAD GO!!”

such is why we race.

wish me Godspeed tomorrow and keep your Wholistic Fitness practices strong.

they work.

trust me.

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Dear Coach Ilg –

i first got turned onto your work from TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION…as an artist? I have got to say that your body of work c(om)pletely (as you would probably write it!) revamped my entire way of thinking of ‘art.’ So many who called ourselves ‘artists’ have little – if any – conception of what ‘art’ means when it comes to to transforming the current palette of our body/mind/spirit into a Higher Fitness/Consciousness as you have so beautifully demonstrated throughout your life; you have changed everything from your sports, your paralysis, your writing, your everything and now, perhaps as the most exquisite and most recent brush to your life journey; your fatherhood.

my big vice is NEWS! yes, that’s right…news. i feed upon headlines, articles, breaking reports…i know this must sound horrid to you..yet, as you have Taught me, “We all have our addictions, it’s just a matter of vibration.”

so, if you’d be soooo kind to answer me this ONE QUESTION (i’ve enclosed a Temple Tithe for your time and consideration):

where do you get your “Outer World” news?

stealing another line from you:

Head Bowed,

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Although surrounded by stunning natural if not mystical beauty, Beclabito has not ONE mountain biking trail, hiking trail, or even a skateboard park, soccer field, or half an outdoor basketball court or even a running track while here in Durango, less than 2 hours away? We have DEVO and DOZENS of world-class venues for our kids to service ALL of their interests and passions.

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(all access)  ilg’s Green Chili Stew recipe

ilg’s Green Chile Stew

i must really, really, REALLY love y’all…cuz normally, i’m too selfish a yogi to reveal s(om)ething this pranically powerful! enjoy! let me know how you like it!

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A genuine yogi – born between Father (Sky) and Mother (Earth):
does his or her damnedest to turn weakness’s into strengths, ignorance into awakening, life into sadhana, but… it doesn’t work.

Sure, we might carve out a minuscule release in our tight hips and even tighter hamstrings yet still our lower back feels like a lava rock after our next run.

A genuine yogi – whose Grandfather is Sun and whose Grandmother is Moon:
refuses to take on other’s unhappiness, no matter how deep our compassion grows throughout our practice.

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What Is It That Makes You Feel Strong?

What Is It That Makes You Feel Strong?
Sit with it for a while…

In the Tradition of Wholistic Fitness®?

Easy Answer: Working on our weaknesses make us stronger…

ilg is going to tell you s(om)ething…

i think you’re strong because you have weaknesses…as do we all…and knowing that, viscerally, is the jumping off place into Wholistic Fitness®…

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Race Update:   “I didn’t drown!”…Pagosa Winter Quadrathlon

Leg 2; 5k Run..
… I run as hard as i can upon my season-long injured knee toward the leader, Ott. i feel tranced, as if in some weird white-man contortion of a corn dance, eating up asphalt beneath my flying feet and spitting out pranic corn bread. I dance this 5k softly with conscious breath. With Higher Protection from the care from the WF Deities, my body receives gracefully the impact of a hard 5k on asphalt and i only lose two places to two national class (and much younger) athletes as i enter the Bike Transition in 4th Place overall.
My Tibetan Teachers would say,” The world ends everyday in all sorts of Ways for many Beings in many Realms.”

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Never having toed a Start Line to breaking a Course Record as a teammate of feeble ilg; Jessica Robbins (L) receives her First Place Ribbon at the Pagosa Springs Winter Quadrathlon, next to Coach Ilg holding Dewachen Ilg. Pic by Ananda. …. Jessica: “I just want to let you know that through Coach Ilg’s grace and workouts and through Joy’s Quickfix Power Yoga DVD which i do faithfully each morning, i have lost 50lbs since last September and…(breaking down emotionally)…

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