
i transformed one of my students of yoga/bodywork – a former National Champion in his sport – back to the top ten of last weekends’ National CycleCross Championships in Austin, TX. one year ago? his body was like the fabled tale of Zumbaks’ Suit; all twisted and contorted and full of deep cellular, neural, and hormonal imbalance from decades of professional cycling without a wholistic coach in his corner.

in the past 12 months…

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oh, it’s easy and for many, these Kali Yuga days; insanely profitable, to get a fancy PowerPoint Presentation together, quickly cobbled together by copying unTransmitted spiritual Teachings from the Masters, and turn a nifty profit on everything from Chakra Cleansing to Self-Empowerment…

personally and professionally ilg don’t trust no Path that ain’t seeped in Tradition and Sweat with proven Tools to parlay those two Most Noble Spiritual Ingredients toward Self Transformation…

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a balance must be struck between hammering hard and softening into the intensity…

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(all access)  ilg’s Green Chili Stew recipe

ilg’s Green Chile Stew

i must really, really, REALLY love y’all…cuz normally, i’m too selfish a yogi to reveal s(om)ething this pranically powerful! enjoy! let me know how you like it!

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A genuine yogi – born between Father (Sky) and Mother (Earth):
does his or her damnedest to turn weakness’s into strengths, ignorance into awakening, life into sadhana, but… it doesn’t work.

Sure, we might carve out a minuscule release in our tight hips and even tighter hamstrings yet still our lower back feels like a lava rock after our next run.

A genuine yogi – whose Grandfather is Sun and whose Grandmother is Moon:
refuses to take on other’s unhappiness, no matter how deep our compassion grows throughout our practice.

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What Is It That Makes You Feel Strong?

What Is It That Makes You Feel Strong?
Sit with it for a while…

In the Tradition of Wholistic Fitness®?

Easy Answer: Working on our weaknesses make us stronger…

ilg is going to tell you s(om)ething…

i think you’re strong because you have weaknesses…as do we all…and knowing that, viscerally, is the jumping off place into Wholistic Fitness®…

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feeble ilg’s offering to my precious Friends Along The Path tonight? Just these Three Gems along the Way Toward Wholeness…

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Dear Coach Ilg,
My name is James Carpenter. Ten years ago, I bought your book Total Body Transformation when I was 16 years old. At that time, I wasn’t ready for such a sophisticated program, so the book sat on my shelf until last year. I’ve been following the programs in the book, and it’s been very rich and rewarding.
It’s a little funny because…

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