Wet Lines,  Empty Mind…a mountain yogi’s funny fish tale…

ilg has been steadfastly stalking this huge, beautiful Trout Being for the past several weeks in a not-so-secluded pool just off the Colorado Trail near my childhood home up Junction Creek Canyon, Durango, Colorado. i’ve been in my Zendo, applying not only the mandatory Mantra’s for the safety of any harming ilg might cause, but also the Zen Archery technique to catching (and releasing) this beautiful Trout for weeks…visualizing which fly i’m going use, my approach, what time of the morning, my presentation of cast, the drift, the mend…you know, all the other 10,000 Things which keep fly fisherpeople like ilg awake at night…well, FINALLY, the Universe aligned Herself so this new, old Daddy could combine a training run with yet another ninja assault upon my Present Precious Trout Podium Being…the girls left the house early enough and i was alone!!! so, of course, i picked up a burrito to go and a pear (a pear?) along with my Ilg Supreme from Sunrider Herbs…that’s when the hilariousness of the Divine began…

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pic by ilg this morning before heading off to my 50-mile Road Race Championship where i had the bulls-eye on my jersey…

and…WAY more importantly?

what a 5th Birthday Party Day it proved for ALL of the humble ilg clan today..
my full race report ONLY for Members…

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Wholistic Fitness training, practice, and study brings us to m(om)ents which are as limitless as the whole of space:
May we each realize the true nature of our (w)holy sweat and stillness efforts throughout each week, each month, each year, each decade….

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if your feet DON’T look a bit like this after each day?
guess what?
you are a Shoe Addict and your Sacred Connection to Mother Earth might very well be within consideration of your long-term wholistic well being…

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Q & A:   “…seeking a super-intense meditation program to completely clear my chakras…”

WF teaches; First things first. What would happen if our moon or sun grew tired of repetition? Do you ever see Them trying to take short-cuts? So, why are we in such disappointment when a Teacher attempts to safely, slowly, and non-dramatically impart an anciently proven Path of Transformation…why has it becOMe so in vogue to taking shortcuts instead of developing a wholistic lifestyle of long-term spiritual fitness?

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I find you seem to be an interesting mix of when using technology is is ok/encouraged, your web page, but also undesirable, smart phones. So,according to you, when is it ok and when is it not?

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Paleo now, Atkins then, Bailey before that…feeble ilg says, instead of reading nutrition books that sensationalize insipid parcels of nutritional wisdom for the profit of the current author in vogue, why not ask yourself a few ancient questions, like;

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“Our Workout is Everywhere,” coach steve ilg, 1982

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