To my ears, the term, “stronger athlete” equates to a wholistically balanced being capable of high performance in all physiologic areas; strength, endurance (short, mid and ultra), suppleness/agility, mental fitness, and a mastery of nutrition. That, to me, monuments a “stronger athlete” and that is precisely how i train those who knock upon my humble, powerful Temple Door of Wholistic Fitness®…
pic: ilg soaring across Vallecito Lake the other morning by Sandra Lee. the sounds of the Lake were like Tribal Drumbeats beating an Ancient Rhythm into my Souls’ cells during each stride…
Compassion is not true compassion unless it is active. Avalokiteshvara, the Buddha of Compassion, is often represented in Tibetan iconography…
Since improving my diet and other wholistic activities, and consuming Assimilaid for the past few weeks, my acid reflux has improved dramatically. I might have said cured, except recently, after a week in Gallup, NM eating crappy food, it came back a bit. Now it is again on the wane.
What other measures, yoga routines, etc. might you recommend?
Quote of the Day goes to Dewachen Catherine Ilg who came hOMe from kindergarten saying, “i realized today in school that what i think in my mind may not be real.”
dharma backstory:
Dewa has confided to Joy and i (though we’ve been Sensing it for months) that she is REALLY not diggin’ public school and that she sees herself as the “runt of the litter,”
my most pertinent encouragement to younger sponsored athletes/yogis? is to consider…
pic: ilg in Weighted Padmasana Push Ups
make sure you bookmark this precious WF-inspired ripple in our collective cosmic ocean each day for more gifts, more healing, and a whole ton of Transformation seeped with WF spirit and ritual…
Trust your Practice…all confidence that we bring to the Start Line of a race,
or one m(om)ent; our Bardo Entry,
pivots upon the integrity of the trust and faith we develop in our solo training/Practice…
Abhayasin ilg
pic; the master student of endurance squats, still at it at age 51…are you? 10 sets of 10…you kiddin’ me?! who else does this? get on WF Online Training and quit dinkin’ around! How baaaaad do you want to Rise Higher?