
This morning in typical New Daddy mode, i felt deeply underprepared for the hammerfest known as the Saturday Club Ride here in Durango. the route today was Citron de Duex, a favorite 48-mile test piece involving over 5,000′ of climbing. i only brought one water bottle and the only water i had…

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feeling the pre-event Chi in a big way. i’ve worked on my ‘Pranayama Pump’ each day and had some great sitting meditations trying to tame the intense emotions.

i was approached by a lone Kyrgyz cowboy after saying our Prayer. he sat beside me, took my journal, and wrote a full entry in Kyrgyz before galloping away with a wink and a wave. a Bodhisattva.

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I suppose it’s the sanest part of me that naturally gravitates toward these serrated skylines of granite, sandstone and sun-splintered early morning rapids and ripples. Perhaps the most redeeming quality that can be associated with this incarnation known as ‘ilg’ is that which has been undeniably attuned with Sacred Appreciation to the whirring symphony of hummingbirds, aspens quaking, and splashes of trout surfacing through snowmelt waters…

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This M(om)ent;  Dewachen re-iterates; Just Be…not that, not this…just BE!  PLUS: HIDDEN DISCOUNT until May 18th!!! read for details!

Lose the ego, gain Reality…

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Picture 13

photo from back in the day in my former life as a sponsored (there were no professional) climber…my home office: Eldorado Canyon, circa 1982.
this is my Dharma Mentor of free soloing (no rope); Derek Hersey (aka; The Human Fly) followed by Mic Fairchild during a stint we used to call
a ‘double free solo’. route: Hair City on the Bastille in Eldo…5.9+ Below is a letter i wrote to…

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padma on ice

i’ll take a Padma On Ice, please…
yup, this is our Precious Dr. Julie “Padma” Mueller, a WF Online Master Student, going after yet
another Ph.D…this time, in WF…

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WF Master Student Padma: Tsidool 2012 Bardo Training Race Report!

How a WF Master Student ‘actively recovers’ from chopping 36+ minutes off her time in a 75-kilometer winter quadrathlon; Padma crankin’ some sweet 3+ Waterfall Ice in Utah the other day…

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1st summit

Dewachen Catherine Ilg’s first solo summit; age 3.5 years old. Chapman Hill, Durango, Colorado. 3*24*11. total vertical ascent: 512′. beginning elevation; 6,512′. route description; Northwest Face Direct; mixed mud/slush/ice/snow. witness account: it’s scary how fiercely determined…

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